Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31

Well another month has passed in paradise!
Bit of rain today but now clearing up for a nice afternoon
Off to Samara to do some groceries

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30

Relaxing day yesterday, made some fresh pasta for dinner after a day of chilling by the pool.
Some opportunities starting to appear, hope to have something in place in the next month or so!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29

Another fun day in Costa Rica!
Lots of sun, good food and a few cold beers!
Later in the evening when I went over to the house I am staying in I had a visitor! The raccoon from the zoo!!
Got him out now I am making sure the doors and windows are shut!!
Felt very hot today, we just looked and 84% humidity!!!
We need it to rain tonight!

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28

Had a great Sunday, we went into Samara and hung out on the beach then came back and cooked up a beautiful fish dinner
Today Anabella and I are hanging out by the pool
Life is good!!
This is the smaller pool at the house Arno rents out
 Coucou one of Arno's two birds followed us over to the house for a visit

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27

Well Krissi and Travis were nowhere to be found yesterday so Shannon and I went for lunch...
I then went with Arno to Samara and we stopped in at Vela Latina on the beach for a cold beer, very relaxing!
Last night I just hung around the house and chatted with friends...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 26

Another fun day in paradise!
Hung around the house yesterday, made homemade pizza, bread and had steak for dinner
Good thing I am only here for a couple of weeks or I would gain weight!
Later in the evening went up to Hula Jungla for a couple of beers that turned into a couple more LOL
Off to look at a couple of places for sale today with Shannon, Krissi and Travis

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24

Having fun at La Tropicale, Arno and Anabella are both good cooks so we seem to have a bit of a cooking competition going on here!
Anabella gave Arno his first lesson on how to make bread from scratch, turned out great!
I made us a nice pesto pasta for dinner last night
Arno and I are off to Samara again!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23

Great day in Samara, went to Pablito's for a couple of beers and bocas for lunch then picked up some food to cook for dinner at Pali
Just hung around talking through the evening
Was actually nice and sunny all day yesterday, today looks like more rain...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22

So moved over to my friend Arno's place for the next couple of weeks La Tropicale
Anabella is also staying here so we are having fun, she cooked us a delicious pasta last night
We are all getting ready to take the 11:30am bus to Samara to grab some lunch and a few groceries for dinner tonight

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21

Nice afternoon in Samara on the beach, then we had a great dinner cooked on the BBQ by the pool.
Went up to Hula for a few beers afterwards.
Heading to my friend Arno's place La Tropicale for the next couple of weeks to give these guys some privacy in their house!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20

couple of rainy days...not much going on, Travis & Krissi arrived last evening
I can tell they have been working too much, they look beat!
I am going to try and take off for a few days and give them some time alone

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19

So Travis and Krissi decided to rent a car so no need to go pick them up today.
Crazy storm last night again...went to Samara in early evening to do some groceries and got home about 7pm, not going anywhere the rain started coming down in buckets!!

Just chilling around the house trying to get the internet going again!

Today just the wireless is not working...
Guy who installed wi-fi is stopping by later to get it going for me

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18

Wow some serious thunder and lightning last night!
It was like someone shot off a cannon in the house! Rattling the windows and lighting up the sky
The internet was down until about 10 am this morning, not surprised!
Off to Samara today to pick up some supplies
Then tomorrow off to Liberia to pick up Travis & Krissi with Flavio being the chauffeur!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17

Quiet day yesterday, went to the Hula last night for a couple of beers, pretty quiet there too!
Just hanging out by the pool today...tough life!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16

Yesterday turned into a great day!
Xinia and her son Jose Ignasio stopped by for a visit, had a little swim in the pool and some lunch.
Then Rob & Margarita stopped by for a visit so she could borrow my laptop to call her mom in Columbia.
Then I got a call from Shannon as he was at the beach with Addy his dog so they stopped by for a visit and then Shannon and I went to El Colibri for dinner.
Well finally looks like Krissi and Travis are on their way here this Saturday!
It's about time they manage to get away!
Here's some shots of a really cool flower that appeared yesterday

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15

Big storm yesterday most of the day, lots of rain and wind, internet was down most of the day and power kept going in and out...
All this rain does the garden good, that's one of the cool things about living here, the garden changes every day!
Here's a few flower shots!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13

Fun night last night at the Hula, ended up with a lot of people there!
 Not sure what the occasion was I guess Saturday night!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12

Well feeling much better!
Barbara came over yesterday afternoon, we went for a swim in the pool and later on in the evening up to the Hula for a couple of beers...
Going to a birthday party later today for Enrique, Arno's boyfriend

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11

Feeling better this morning, hope it holds!
Quiet day yesterday, slept most of the day away...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10

So officially sick with a cold for the first time since moving here...I am not surprised it seems like everyone I talk to lately had a cold...
So just taking it easy again today...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9

Ran into Larry and Shoshana yesterday on their way to Punta Islita
Hope they can come by for a visit before they return to the US!
Feeling like I am getting a cold this morning...time to lay low for a few days!
OK so a couple of the dogs who live down the hill att he fishing village have been barking like crazy for the last hour or so. I asked Afro the gardener what are they barking at? He showed me up in one of the trees just off the kitchen, it's called a white nosed Coati and is part of the raccoon "bandit" family

May 8

Fun day, Barbara came over and helped me prep some food, unfortunately it rained all afternoon, so not a great turn out, but still had a good time!

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7

Sorry! Took Sunday off people!
Was way too hung over to chat about it LMAO
Samara was a blast on Saturday night, ran into all kinds of people I knew, we were at a couple of different bars and then when I took a cab home at 3 am felt the need to be dropped off at the Hula as the lights were still on...made it home for 6am in the daylight, it's been along time since I have partied that hard!!!!!!
So needless to say Sunday was spent napping most of the day away and drinking lots of water...
Off to run a few errands in Samara later today as I am having a few friends over for a BBQ tomorrow afternoon...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5

Quiet night in last night, tons of rain all evening and night.
Seems to be the norm now, nice during the day, overcast in the afternoon and rain in the night
Cools things off a bit for sleeping with is great!
Off to Samara this afternoon to meet up with Shannon as we are going to a Cinco de Mayo celebration tonight with a live band, should be fun!

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4

Good afternoon at the beach with Barbara, had fun then back up to the Hula for many beers...
It was also Irma's birthday and she appeared with 4 girlfriends so turned into a bit of a girl's night out!

Barbara in cognito 
 Barbara and Irma doing the Salsa, none of the guys were around!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3

Well got a good rain shower early evening last night again and learned something about frogs and monkeys!
They come out in the evening after the rain to party!
The frog concert was so loud last night I was sure the frogs were in the house!
Then around 3-4 am for the second morning in a row the monkeys in the trees outside felt the need to party as well!
Next time this goes on I will try to record the sounds, it's something else!
Oh yes and don't forget the crabs still trying to sneak in the house all the time!
Living here is definitely interesting! LMAO
Off to the beach to help Barbara with a small banquet for 30-40 people

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2

Nice cool rainy night last night!
Anabella and her friend David from San Jose came over for dinner, finally christened the new BBQ I bought for Krissy and Travis the owners of the house I am living in
Hot and muggy today, off for a dip in  the pool

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1

Well May already!
Time flies when you are having fun!
Went to look at a cool place yesterday, more apartments than a hotel but lots of potential...
Lots to think about...
Then went over to Pablito's for a couple of beers and a couple of Boccas (basically a small bowl of beef stew)
Quiet night in last night
Got wireless internet at the house today, so can move around with my laptop more
Today is a holiday in CR Labor day, Dia de los trabajadores
Off to the beach to see what's going on in a bit