Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31

Last night great dinner at Costa Brava on the beach with Chris & Brenda and the Winnipeg crowd

Bakery steady but a bit slower than last week...Overall a good month!

Shoshana & Larry and their gang went home today...Back in March

Off to Arno's tonight for dinner and to help him set up a Groupon promotion for low season

January 30

Turned into a great day off...Cold Tona on Carrillo beach in the afternoon, then some sunset beers with the Parkers, then off to Lo Que Hay for some fun with Chris & Brenda and the Winnipeg gang!
Brook & Jim from Monte Laguna came and joined us as well...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29

Well...attempt at a day off!
Coke fridge died this am...hoping they show up today to fix it...
Meanwhile jammed drinks everywhere else we can and bought some ice...not much else we can do!

Off to the beach now 2pm, then drinks at sunset and off to listen to some live music tonight at Lo Que Hay

Pura Vida!

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28

Another busy day at the bakery!
Good night out Saturday with Brenda & Chris and their friends from Winnipeg.
Day off tomorrow hoping to go to the beach and get drunk LOL

Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26

Busy day today!

Off to Rancho de la Playa for dinner and music with Brenda & Chris and their friends from the "Peg"

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25

Another fun filled day at the bakery!
The girls think I am immature because I play pranks on them! LOL

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24

Great day at Shirley's with Arno getting our hair done and pettys

Ramping up for a busy weekend, triathlon in town!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22

Wow busy day!
Not sure where everyone came from...

Excellent night at Lo Que Hay with Larry & Shoshana, good live music...

Off to see Shirley tomorrow with Arno to get our hair and toes done

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21

Bakery steady every day...

Few tremors yesterday 3 or 4 in a row wound up the people a bit LOL

Day off today, doing laundry!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 19

Sorry, internet has been hit and miss the last few days...heard someone hit a pole with a car
Ha Ha!

Bakery has been steady...

Arno and I went to Nicoya 2 days in a row...Thursday for regular errands, accountant, insurance...
We stopped at the pool store because Arno said his pool was not as clear as he licked it so we picked up some product to clear it up...when he got home he figured out it was a burnt out pump that was the problem...So back to Nicoya the next morning to buy a new pump!

Arno learned that I may not have all the rights he has being a woman but I can negotiate a hell of a better price than him! LOL

Arno's price for a 1 horsepower pump and sand filter $1000 USD

Joannie's price for a 1.5 Horsepower pump, sand filter, all the required hoses and pipes, 200 lbs of sand $660 USD

As Arno calls them the silicone is good for something!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16

Awesome night of live music at Lo Que Hay last night with Shoshana, Brenda & Chris.
Fire dancers and everything!

Tomorrow of to my favorite place Nicoya to run errands...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15

Another fun filled day in paradise!!

One of the things I love about the bakery is meeting new people every day!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14

Productive day as Mondays always are...getting all the ordering for the first part of the week done...

Ran into a few more people that I had met at the Hotel last year, lady says I know I met you last year and I said but I was not here...I was in Carrillo and I said didn't you guys walk all the way from Samara one morning and showed up just parched at the hotel? She says Yes! I knew I knew you!
They just loved the bakery and how we have changed it...

Doing good on Trip Adviser, started in spot 33 of 33 restaurants in Samara, now with 5 reviews we are at number 20 and climbing!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13

Busy morning doing a catering job, 50 cupcakes and a couple of sandwich trays for a Bday party,
now to get my day off roling!
Off to the beach for a bit of rays then meeting up with Chris & Brenda later then cocktail at sunset & dinner with Shoshana

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12

Another beautiful day in Costa Rica!

Even the horses think so!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10

Productive day in Nicoya my headlights adjusted!
LMAO that can be interpreted the wrong way!!

Pretty busy day today, I think a lot of the more affluent Ticos are taking long weekends with the kids out of school...
Weekends are definitely busier!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9

Well thanks to Brenda and Chris at Samara Info, went out for a few beers last night at Lo Que Hay awesome live music on the beach, then over to Ariba's for more live music, quite enjoyed it!

I am over the whole court thing....nothing I can do about it...much better today!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8

You hear about how this country has corruption but until you see it first hand...
Well I saw it today!
It took every ounce of my being not to stand up and shout at the top of my lungs Corruption!!!!

We entered the judge's chamber and the first thing he said was I hear Miss Parker that your car is fully insured? I replied Yes.
He then says then why are you wasting the court's time with this frivolous case when your insurance can cover the whole thing and be done with it?
I replied because if I am found guilty this will count as an accident against me and my insurance rates will go up.
He replies irrelevant. A case like this puts undo stress on our families waiting for the outcome...
I looked at my lawyer with I am sure a big old question on my face!
He then said that if I plead guilty prior to the charges being read I would not be required to pay the large fine for the traffic infraction but if I wanted to proceed I would have to pay the fine.
I replied if found guilty your honor.
I cannot see how I would be found guilty with the other defendant passing me on the left in an intersection at an elevated speed while I was making a left hand turn. He asked did you have your flasher on? I said absolutely yes, I am Canadian and follow the rules of the road, always wearing my seat belt and using my flashers.
The judge said I find that hard to believe!
Again WTF!!!!
He then asked me one more time if I wanted to plead guilty and I replied no that perhaps the other defendant would like to plead guilty?
The judge said I don't think so miss.
He then asked me what I am looking to gain and I said I am not looking for any monetary gain only to prove my innocence to keep my good record with the insurance company.

He then started the proceedings.
Taking my statement then the other driver's, who went on about the velocity his car was moving at and how he was going slow. Really? as per the police drawings his car was 12 meters from my car when we stopped moving! How slow was he going????
He then insisted that I was on the shoulder and not in his lane when I made the left.
My witness Daniela stated the facts. Was asked a few questions and answered them well.
The other driver's witness made some errors like saying he was directly oat the edge of the shoulder and the road when the collision happened. So how was my car on the shoulder if he was? When my lawyer asked him to explain he said oops I meant I was back further. She then asked could you see the flasher on the driver's side was it on or off and he replied no he could not see but he knows it was not on because the other driver later told him so!!!!!!!
The judge then took an hour recess and came back and found me guilty because I did not take the necessary precautions when making a left hand turn, that I should not only be aware of oncoming traffic but who is passing me from behind!
Oh yeah and the big fine was $40 plus 30% interest! Not like the hundreds of dollars he made it sound like at the beginning.
Wow I was in shock! When we left the judge's chambers my lawyer said sorry but I felt we had lost this case in the first 5 minutes...She asked would you like to appeal? I asked what would be the point?
All this because the other driver did not want to have to pay to repair my new car!
Oh yeah did I mention the police refused to give the other driver a breathalizer at the time of the accident?

Feeling a little lost this afternoon...definitely disappointed...

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7

Another fun filled day at the bakery...
Pretty busy every day!

Off to Nicoya in the morning for my court date for the car accident, should be interesting!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6

Woo Hoo it's still busy...

Last night was open until 10:30pm, just could not clear the line up for ice cream to get the doors closed!


Today steady Sunday, tired, get to sleep in tomorrow morning!

Here's the tree in front of the bakery this afternoon, a family of monkeys hanging around

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4

Sorry! Been super busy...

Trip to Nicaragua was a success, door to door in 8 hours!

Bakery has been super busy, record days...lots of people!

Went to Nicoya today to get all the government offices taken care of.

Not up to much at night these days me and al my friends are working a lot and going to bed early!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1

Awesome night last night, dinner at Arno's La Tropicale then off to Samara Beach for fireworks, was amazing!
Stopped in at Villas Playa Samara to wish them a Bonne Annee!
Home and in bed by 1am.
Up and out the door by 6am to Nicaragua for a passport run with Hannah one of the teachers at the Mareas School upstairs from the bakery.
Was a successful "turn and burn" back home by 2pm. 
Now BIG nap!!!!!!!!