Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29

Kinda blah last few days, overcast and on and off showers...makes me want to take a nap!!

Boa seems to be all gone, got a new trap anyways as I guess I complained enough tot he landlord!

All is good, off to Arno's tonight for a few cocktails...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27

Well Pura Vida it is!!!!!

So my grease trap (drain) at the bakery was not working very well again! (Just had it all cleaned out before going to Canada) This will usually last 4-5 months so I am like WTF?

Well...last night at closing we poured a bottle of Desadorator (pretty much straight sulfuric acid) into the trap with hopes that it would unplug whatever was stuck passed the trap.
This morning we found decomposed parts of a HUGE BOA CONSTRICTOR!!!!!
I estimate at this point we have only gotten about 2 feet out of there, so another batch of acid this afternoon and see what happens,,,just crazy, not something you would see in Canada!

June 26

Safe round trip to San Jose with Arno...
All paperwork dropped off with lawyer for residency...Hopefully all goes well there!

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24

Always something when you own a small business!
Today it's the large mixer (Hobart), the safety arm that holds the bowl in place broke off...
Welder stopping by tomorrow to see if it can be repaired...
Pura Vida!

Off to Arno's for dinner after I close at 7pm

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23

Interesting...lots of tourists from California right now, weird!

Off to the bakery early today as Maricela is not feeling well and Xinia sent her home!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 22

Awesome day off yesterday, ran some errands for me in the am and then went for lunch with Brenda on the beach...lunch dragged into home at 10pm LMAO

Weather seems to have settled into sunny in the am and early afternoon, then clouds roll in and rain in the evening...almost every day right now is the same!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19

Good to be back at the bakery!
Nice to see people again...

Weather is decent...bit of rain but at least it's in the 30's!!!!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15

Made home to Costa Rica safe and sound!

Spent the morning cashing out 2 weeks worth of receipts, getting deposits organized and then doing payroll!

Made me realize I do a lot each day so it never seems like much...but it was today LOL

So good to be back...was awesome to see people, didn't get to see a few...
I guess they will have to come see me now that I am applying for residency, not much reason to leave!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13

So my adventures in getting my birth certificate & police report for residency in CR...

Started at Peel Police Headquarters, awesome!
Less than 20 minutes $45 and we are done.
Then head for Montreal to offices of Etat Civil du Quebec for birth certificate, fill in application $60 and will be ready in 2-3 business days. Great head up north to visit mom for a couple of days while I wait for a phone call that it's ready...
Get the call head for Montreal to pick it up and then shoot to Ottawa, meet up with Rick (Gwen's husband) so I don't get lost and head for External Affairs Canada to get both documents authenticated.
On a tight timeline as this office only open 10:30am-12 noon & 2pm-3pm!
Make it by 2pm, oops office has moved to a different building down the road, no problem...
Get to the office, take a number not bad like 6th in line...goes by super quick for only 2 people working there, less than 5 minutes and it's my turn! (I now know that is because no one including me had the paperwork required...)
So I am told I must get my police report notarized by a notary public or a commissioner of oaths.
Wow where to go?
So the girl suggest an area with a lot of office towers that has law offices, off we go well 3rd building we find law offices on several floors...up we go to like the 5th floor, "are you a client?" "Sorry we don't do that here"...try such and such office up on 7th floor...and so it goes on a few times...
At the last place they suggest we go to city hall as there is a commissioner of Oaths there...and it's free!
Off we go...ask information desk where is this commissioner and we are at the right counter..."Sorry we cannot notarize we are not that kind of a commissioner..." Do you know of a notary public around? I am not from recommending someone for you would be a conflict of interest...ask the girl at the info booth if she has a phone book we could borrow, no but I will look up a number for you on the internet...ok can you look up a notary public close to here for me...oh no! conflict of interest...blah blah...
Go across the street to the Bell building...bonus a pay phone! with a phone book...Rick finds one near by Foreign affairs where we were 2 hours ago!
Off we go and there Nigerian dude notary public...$50 and we are too late for Foreign Affairs office so home and back tomorrow...
Next day we arrive starts with lot parking...we end up over the bridge parking on the street and walking back in the rain...get in and 6th in line, no problem will be fast...
The girl takes the two documents puts a stamp and a signature and hands them back to me in 30 seconds pretty sure she didn't even read them...didn't ask for ID or nothing...nice authentication!!
Off to Costa Rica Embassy for the last step...takes a few to find the place on Sparks St. as it is a pedestrian street...
Find it and the girl says sure we can do this for you but it will be $80 USD and you need to do a bank transfer to our account as we do not take the cash here...this surprises Rick but I tell him no worries this is normal for CR! We have to do "transferencias" all the time...
Off to BMO Bank 10 minutes all good, will be ready tomorrow...
I get a call in the am and then head to Embassy to pick it up...all good!
Off to TO to visit friends and family!
Heading home to CR on Friday morning, so ready to head back to warmer climate and the beach!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10

Sorry I have been a slacker on the blog while in Canada...

I have been running around getting all my paperwork for residency that I need here in Canada!
I have been to Montreal, to visit my mom, then to Ottawa to visit Gwen and hang out at external affairs Canada and the CR Embassy.
Good news is it's all done and I am heading to TO this am to visit some friends, heading back to CR on Friday am, looking forward to getting home!!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1

Made it to TO safe and sound
Off to Niagara Falls today to be tourists
Arno & Mark posing
 Joanna, Arno & Joannie
 The Falls

 Arno on the edge of the Falls trying to look brave!

 Skyline behind the Falls

 Arno's wish list...Rolls Royce
 Wishes do come true LOL with Joanna