Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31

Last night at closing time I ran some bread samples over to Zen Den and though why take my car up the street 6 doors? I will walk...well I know why to take the car now! Bloody downpour that lasted 2 hours I was stuck at Zen Den and forced to drink beer! LOL

August 30

Another Sunny morning!
Yesterday don't know what was up but sold 5 Bday cakes before lunch!

August 29

Good to wake up this morning to blue skies and sunshine!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28

Wow some good rain yesterday afternoon! Might have to start building an ark if this continues!

Today is cake delivery day it a few deliveries done already, one more at closing time.

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26

Good weekend off, ran some errands on Saturday then went out for a few drinks to Zen Den.
Sunday spent chilling by the pool and napping! Perfect!
Now back to reality!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22

Much better today! Was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday...had nothing to do with all the champagne and beers we had the night before for Arnaud's Birthday!
That Zen Den is turning out to be a place of mischief!

August 21

Fun night out last night!
Dinner at El Colibri for Arnaud's Birthday

 Not sure what this Popeye look is all about!

 They snuck up with the cake and put the cake hat on his head. So funny when he took it off and saw how ridiculous it was LMAO

Off course I had to write in French on the cake LOL

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18

Well mission accomplished yesterday! Watched a few movies cooked some food, chilled by the pool for a bit. Never got in the car!
Perfect day off!

August 17

Fun  night out last night with Arno and the Zen Den our new favorite place!

Day off today going to do nothing!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13

Well success at the Health Department, just have to return in 7 days to collect new certificate!

Headed for Arno's yesterday afternoon, felt like I have done nothing but work and sleep for a few weeks!

Made up for it!

I showed up at Arno's with a couple of bottles of wine, we buried those two and then one more that Alan had. Then we got into some Flor de Cana and mango juice...
And then we headed for the Zen Den to get some snack and too many beers LOL
Was good to get out and slept well, not sure if I was coughing or not but I slept well!
This morning it is pouring rain and looks like it may be a full day of it...
So just going to chill and maybe get some laundry done later or maybe not...

August 12

Off to Nicoya to Health Department for the third time!
Off today and tomorrow hopefully don't spend it in bureaucratic hell!

August 11

Wow slow weekend around Samara, strange I now have records from last year and the weekend equal to this one was slow last August as well!

August 9

Day two of going to Nicoya to sort out Municipal licenses (expire today) and Health Department certificate (also expires today)
Yesterday at the municipality office, no problem, paid the fees and got Patente renewed...
Health Department well...different story!
Need copies from all these other departments that I am up to date, forms to fill out, trandfer of funds to their account as no government office in Costa Rica takes cash and although some take debit this one does not...
So back today with all my ducks in a row or so I thought!
All was good except for I did not have the old certificate that expires today!
Back on Monday I guess LOL

August 8

Feeling better but coughing a lot especially at night when I try to sleep...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7

Back to work today feeling better...
Rough few days, fever, coughing all the good stuff!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4

Busy few days...Xinia off sick since Thursday...Now I am sick!
Sore throat, stuffed up, fever...just going in to the bakery to close up at 5pm
Next 2 days scheduled off anyways but I am sure will be spent chilling!
Daniela & Maricela picking up the slack...
The girls rock!!