Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28

to my American Friends & Family!

Bakery rocking! Sold out of Pumpkin Pies yesterday!!
Went out for dinner last night with Arno and a group staying with him at Hula Jungla, had not been there in a while...
Off to the bakery we go again!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27

Nicaragua was fine except for a flat worries...home by 4pm good until February now.

Bakery keeping me out of trouble right now...heading in to make pumpkin pies this morning for American Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24

Another busy day!
Day off tomorrow, doing a border run to Nicaragua, not because I need to for application for residency is in but because I need to for my driver's red tape!!!
Heading out at 6am to do a turn & burn!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23

Oh my! It is much busier this November than last!!

November 2012 sold 11 cakes
As of November 22 sold 31 cakes!
Just more people around this year. hopefully this carries on right through Easter!!!

Eva wanted a cake with a Fairy, Trees, a River and butterflies...

How to send a cake out ready to show the kid as soon as you walk in the door?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19

Nice chill day off yesterday...ran a couple of errands in Samara and chilled at home, got lots of paperwork done...
Then had a couple of beers on the front porch in the evening with my new neighbors from New Brunswick Shirley & Tony.
They are moved in for 6 months, nice couple!

Off to work!

November 17

Fun night out for a few beers at Zen Den last night with Arno and the gang...Good laughs!

Another steady day at the bakery

November 16

Bakery doing very well! Busier than last year! It's cool to now have numbers to compare to...

November 15

Maricela's last day today...sad...She got a great job opportunity at Guanamar, I hope for her sake they keep her on in low season...They are notorious for laying all their staff off in low season.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14

Happy Birthday!!

Last night enjoyed a glass of wine with my new Neighbors Shirley & Anthony, Shirley is Acadien! Merci very much!! Love bilingual New Brunswick! Anthony is originally from Ontario.
They rented for 6 months

Bakery keeping busy...last day tomorrow for Maricella who is heading to work at Guanamar (more money...)
Sunday new girl Kinia starts (chosen by Xinia!)
Hopefully it all works out!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12

Sorry! Been a slacker on the blog front...bakery has picked right up...getting organized for high season and it seems it is here!!

New apartment is great, more space, almost done sorting everything out
Selling cakes like gangbusters!! Woo Hoo!

November 11

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2

Don't worry if you don't see me on internet yet at the new place...should have it no later than Monday, maybe even this evening! LMAO

Yesterday was SUPER busy which is excellent!!!
Today is very steady...high season here we go

Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1

Move completed! Just some rearranging and unpacking to do over the next few days...

Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of me moving to CR!