Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28

Bakery been going like gangbusters!!!
Way busier than last year!!
Woo Hoo!!!!

December 26

Awesome Day off yesterday cooked a turkey and had friends over for dinner

December 25

Fun night at Arno's last night for Christmas Eve Dinner!

Imagine that I made the cake!

December 24

Quiet night in getting ready for the rush that's coming for the next week or so.
Last year between Christmas & New Years was my busiest week of the year!

December 23

Making Pies like a maniac!
Making 42 pies, some pumpkin, some sweet potato and some sugar

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22

Super busy at the bakery!!!!!
Went to Zen Den for a couple of beers and then to Vela Latina for some sushi
As we were sitting on the beach enjoying our meal a strange thing happened!
It started raining!!!!!
Lasted about an hour, latest in the dry season I have ever seen rain here!

December 21

Liane & Jeff made it in safe and sound, sat on the front porch and had a few beer to catch up
As we are sitting out there the neighbors decided it was a good night to set off fire works, 
scared the crap out of us!!!!
Speaking to Arno in the morning, they thought someone had been shot LMAO

December 20

Liane & Jeff coming in this evening.
Heading to Nicoya to run some errands, need more aluminium pie plate!

December 19

Fun night at Arno's last night for dinner for Fernanda's Bday...
Every day is getting busier & busier...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18

Went to Hula Jungla last night for a couple of beers with Arno, Alan & Jammy

Apparently I am going tonight as well as I am delivering a Bday cake for Fernanda at closing time!

December 16

Crazy day off yesterday...last one until Christmas day!!!
Picked up Arno in the afternoon at LIR, then in the evening went to Belle and Richard's wedding at Barracuda, was a lovely event!!

December 14

Today was busy as all get out!!!!
Not only slammed busy for regular business but made an additional 200 pizzas for the kid's Christmas party upstairs at the Church!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13

Happy Friday the 13th!

So to all my friends and family that still read this blog...Please go to my Facebook page for the bakery ad give me a 5 star review!
Someone anonymously gave me a bad review and I lost a star...I wish that if people had the balls to give a bad review they had the balls to let us know who they are!!!!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12

Bakery is busy...keeping me out of trouble! That and Arno is in the US, picking him up on Sunday afternoon in Liberia...
Cody from Las Ranas (fellow Canuck from AB) did a run to SJO and picked me up Christmas Dinner!!!

December 11

Awwww! Maricela who left the bakery about a month ago just stopped by to give me a present and tell me that although the Guanamar Hotel pays more she really misses working for me!
This is the gift she brought me, what a nice thought!

December 10

Quick turn & burn to Tamarindo to meet up with Liane & Jeff and get the laptop charger they brought from Canada for me! Happy to have a laptop again...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8

Having laptop charger problems...borrowed one from someone so currently have a full charge but that's it!!

Liane arriving from Canada and has a new one for me...hoping to hook up with her soon, she's not coming to Carrillo until Dec. 21!

So if you don't see any posts from me don't worry!!!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5

Just getting back from Nicoya running errands, bakery is busy...jump right in!

On Monday took a counterfeit bill...20000 colones= $40 plus the $38 in change the guy took from us...
Ordered a machine that check for fake bills $100= Priceless!

Oh & learn!!

December 4

Nice late Thanksgiving Dinner with Arno, James and the gang at Arno's last night!
Turkey, stuffing, Mashed Potatoes...Pumpkin & Apple Pie...
All good!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2

Day off...supposed to go me a guy who is opening a Sub Shop on the beach to supply him with bread but he is already an hour late calling me to confirm...pura vida!
Besides that just going to chill today, get a few things done around my place...

December 1

Wow November blew by!!
Closed the month at 44 cakes! Quite an increase from last year!!

Great Saturday night at El Colibri for a Tango night, Arno knew the dancers!