Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23

Back to reality...
Arrived in Samara around noon...back to work 
but not before I watched the Game in Tamarindo!!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21

Border Crossing completed...

Booze Run too!

Now off to the bar to watch some Hockey!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20

Off for a few days vacation!
Back Sunday afternoon

Ran into Garry Hughes of GNJ on the street in Samara! Small world!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18

Great day at the beach yesterday, Heather brought along some great snacks!

2 more days of work and then off to do a border run Thursday am and then hang with Liane & Jeff in Tamarindo for a few days
Looking forward to a change of scenery and seeing some new faces!

February 17

Day off today!!!!
Going to Carrillo beach with Heather from Nova Scotia

February 15

Hilarious day in Nicoya yesterday running errands with Arno...
We went to Maxi Pali to pick up supplies and I as checking out when the manager came up and tried to give me a set of floor mats for the car...I said I did not ask for these, you must have me mistaken for someone else...
He winks at me and says no you WANT to purchase these!
I was like why? He says check out the price!
The were 30 colones when rung in...
$1.00 is worth 530 basically free!
So I said alright and bought them...
He winked at me again and says happy Valentine's day!

Out in the parking lot Arno and I could not stop laughing how romantic! Floor mats! 

February 14

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11

Happy Birthday Mom and Auntie Tosh!!

February 10

So random sometimes in Costa Rica LMAO!!

So about 10 pm last night, my friend Kat is sleeping, I am watching TV, next door Shirley is sleeping and Tony is watching TV as when all of a sudden there's the loudest music from outside...
So loud it's setting off car alarms!
Both Tony & I run out front to see a marching band of about 
5 guys playing on the street with tuba, drums, etc...
They play one song and then leave, so random LOL

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9

First Fridays was fun at Coco's with all the gang...
Have had cramps for the last few days so we go online to see if we can diagnose and we have come to the conclusion that it is probably menopause setting in 
So Brenda decided I should be called Princesa Huevos Secos from now on LMAO!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6

Bakery doing good, bit slower but still good...

Last night had dinner over at Heather & David's at Mirador, Mary their daughter was heading home to MTL this morning early

Tomorrow I am working in the AM and then taking all these people to First Fridays to meet other Ex Pats
Shirley & Tony my neighbors from New Brunswick
Renee & Bob from Keswick
Dixie & Grizzly from Colorado
Heather & David from Nova Scotia

Should be an entertaining afternoon at Coco's!!!!

February 5

Oh my!
Went to Arno's for dinner after work last night, Renee & Bob had got some fish that Arno cooked and some new guests of Arno's Dixie & Grizzly from Colorado made some rice & beans and Renee made some veg. I brought bread pudding for dessert...
Quite the characters!!!

February 3

Fun evening yesterday at Lo Que Hay to watch Super Bowl with Renee & Bob
Game sucked but met lots of people from Canada LOL

February 2

Busy day yesterday!
Worked all day, then went out for dinner with Heather & David from Nova Scotia with their daughter Mary, then headed over to Arno's for like 11pm to meet up with Renee & Bob from Keswick who were coming in around 11:30pm.
Got home around 3am...