Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17

Miss ya Grampy

Off to Tamarindo for a couple of days to visit with Liane & Jeff

September 15

Enjoying days off in Carrillo
Chilling, reading a few books...

September 11

This day always makes me feel sad...

September 10

Love ya!

September 6

Always a good time at First Fridays...
Estrada did not disappoint!

Today off to Ariba to see Tina & Troy playing early 5pm -8pm
Loving the times!

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5

Well...First Fridays today...
Off to Estrada for afternoon cocktails today...
Shake a few hands, kiss a few babies...

September 4

Arno and I were invited out for dinner last night by this lovely older couple, 
she is Swiss and he in Brazillian
We went to El Suenos Tropical where this wanna be "chef" who in my short 3 yrs in CR has already worked at just about every restaurant in Carrillo & Samara LOL
He food is quite good but not great, in my opinion over priced...
And the waitress!!
Wow hooker material, way too familiar and informal with the customers...
But the company was lovely and I really enjoyed the evening!

September 3

Imagine that...Arno and I ended up having several cervezas yesterday...
only because when we were ready to go it really poured rain for like 2 hours so we had to wait it out

September 2

Today's adventure will be going to the bank to get the paper for my corporation and going to the ICE office to transfer the land line and internet to new location
Maybe a cerveza on the beach with Arno afterwards...

September 1

Silly me! Thought vacation started today LOL
Went to Nicoya to go to the Health Department to transfer my permit over...should know better, even makes sense to me that the permit is based on the location not the business...
So I have to apply like a new business! Yeah!!!!!!

Need paper from Social Security showing I am in good standings
Same idea from the bank for my corporation
Couple of forms to fill out
Bring the copy of my old permit
Deposit $50 into their account for 1 yr
And oh yeah the kicker!
Municipality needs to come and inspect the property before they will transfer my business license over...and can issue me a new certificate for the ministry of health...

August 31

Moving day!!!
Everything is over at the new record time...well organized all around!
3 hours to move everything over1
Now to unpack and choose where everything goes...

August 30

We have been packing all day today...movers Scott hired for me come tomorrow morning at 7am!

Last cake for a while

August 29

August 26

Arno came for a ride with me yesterday to the Barcelo Hotel in Playa Langosta, we then stopped by Liane & Jeff's and ended up spending the night...cocktails by the pool...LOL
Sorry no photo of the cake...was to be set up later asked everyone to take pics and send to me and nothing...