Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31

Wow Three years ago today I moved to Costa Rica!
No regrets but I do miss my friends and family sometimes!
So come visit me!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

Run to Nicaragua was interesting yesterday...they always are...rules always change...
This time when we first crossed into Nicaragua we were greeted by a group of about 15 people which appeared to be nurses ad doctors with masks and gloves on...Ebola...they scanned our temperatures and then took our passports and recorded our information and asked where we had been in the last 30 days.
Later when we got to the window where we enter Nicaragua (on paper) they were only wearing the gloves but between customers they were eating food with their gloves on, I really don't think they understood how one gets infected...
Funny part is when we came back into Costa Rica there was none of masked nurses and doctors greeting us, etc...

October 28

Border run tomorrow, those are always entertaining!

Nothing much else going on, just tests in patience...still no internet at bakery, 
Scott still not finished patio roof, etc...
Pura Vida!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 18

Pretty non eventful week...still sick, sinus cold...
getting better slowly...
Rain letting up during the day
Bakery doing very well for thins time of year!
Still no internet at the bakery...went by the ICE office to see why it was taking so long and would you believe they ran out of modems!!
Pura Vida!
Internet at home is not much better...booster is not working so have very weak signal...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14

Rough day yesterday, Arno and I left at 5am for SJO and got in about 8pm, exhausted!
Plus I woke up all stuffed up 
and went through half a box of kleenex throughout the day driving around...
Good news is we got the part for the oven and a bunch of other loaded full with no room left as usual for us LOL
Arno and I should not be allowed to go to Pequeno Mundo!

We stopped off at the bakery around 7:30 and Scott went to work repairing the oven, I went home and to bed, feeling pretty crappy...
Not great but better this morning!!!

October 12

Yucky day yesterday...Oven died at bakery, was going to Tamarindo anyways for Liane's Bday so went on a mission to find the part...
no luck but some good leads for Monday in SJO to get the part I need
So nothing I can do about that now so let's party~
Liane, Manuela & Alberto's Bday party in Tamarindo

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11

Bakery doing pretty good!
Sales are up every day!
But the rain will not let up...
This is out front of the bakery
There were waves coming up on the patio when cars drove past!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9

Wow long day yesterday!!!
Was at bakery from 5:30am to almost 6pm
Had a BIG nap last night LOL
Today torrential rain today!!!!
Losts of flood warning for next week....
Should be interesting!
Still no internet at bakery for about a week...but have at home now...

October 8

Opening Day!!!!

October 7

Oh my!
Beat after 6 weeks of being a slacker!!!
Place is coming along great!

October 6

Vacation is officially over!!!
First day in new bakery, getting organized and all the ordering done...

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3

Off to Nicoya to run some errands and then First Fridays!!

September 29

Well...last week of vacation! Boo!!!!

I am very relaxed and enjoying my "staycation"

This week I need to wrap up a few things for the new location...

September 28

Fun night last night at Hula Jungla
They had Octoberfest...

Loss of dancing and drinking, seemed like everyone came out!
They ran out of beer!!!!!!
Good time had by all

September 25

Pretty quiet around...low season...
I am just relaxing, spending some time at the beach, reading a lot of books
Pura Vida!!!

September 20

Couple of fun days in Tamarindo
Playing drinking Jenga by the pool...

Nice dinner out at an Argentinian restaurant

Back home now chilling out...