Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19

Drove my car in early afternoon, crossed the river no worries...

Daniela took 3pm bus home and called to tell me the bus crossed the new bridge!!!
Complete on Wednesday like they said!
enough said!

November 18

Decided to leave my car at home today and caught a ride in and back with Arno's guests...
On the way back tonight the river crossing looks pretty patted down, lots of traffic...
I think tomorrow I will drive in

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17

Well...lots of excitement in Carrillo, since the bridge known as the crocodile bridge was damaged they are replacing it!
Heard about it around 2pm when my employee only got half way home 
because the bus cannot pass again...
They are taking out the old bridge and putting in a new one!

This was the detour...when I went through Scott was there it was I stopped and walked to the river and asked where I needed to go, then went for it!
No problem!

As I got to the other side I heard Scott holler "That's a Canadian girl!!" LOL

November 15

Yesterday was a success!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 14

Wow working a lot!!!
It is busy at the bakery...which is awesome!
Getting ready for Grand re opening and Grand opening of our kid's corner today

November 13

Well off to a great start with Ivan the Nica I hired to finish up some of the work...He showed up this morning at 7am as he said but with his eye swollen shut, he was stung by a bee!!!
So off to the hospital he goes to get it looked at...
Pura Vida!

November 12

Getting the new location finished is proving to be VERY frustrating!!!!
I hired Scott to do the work because he is Canadian, does good work and is efficient...
Well he used to be...
I gave him this work to do in is now November and it's not done.
I spoke with him yesterday and told him I will be pulling in a Tico to do some of the work because I am not confident he will get it finished by Friday afternoon...
He just seems to have taken on more jobs than he can handle...

November 11

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10

Wow busy with cakes today...
Had order for 1 this morning...

Pura Vida

Felt like this!!

November 9

Day off...disconnected...ahhhhhhh

November 8

Fun 1st Friday yesterday as usual!

Then went to Arno's for lobster!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 6

Well isn't that just great!
This chick is opening a bakery in my old location...
Pura Vida

November 5

Well low season is just about done...
Day off yesterday and spent it running errands in Nicoya!
Bakery is doing well, patiently waiting for Scott to finish the roof on the patio so we can tighten everything up and get our grand re opening done!
Hoping for Friday the 14th...