Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29

Well sorry I was away for about a month!
Lots went on...
So here is a brief catch up...
Christmas week was a success, sales were up...
Just before New Year my laptop died after 3 years of sea, salt, sand and power surges!
Liane's cousin is muling one in for me from Florida
Happy New Year all
New Year's Eve was a blast dinner at Arno's drinks and fireworks on the beach
and then in to Villas Playa Samara for some champagne with the French Canadians!
January 4th turned out to be one of the worst days here...
Xinia's eldest son Anthony hung himself...
January 5th Bakery Closed
January 6th Funeral at 6am opened bakery around noon
Xinia taking a couple of weeks off...
Bakery is Very busy and myself Daniela & Kinia are working around the clock...
We have been open as late as 10pm people just keep coming!
January 8 driving to Tamarindo to pick up my new laptop!
January 9th Windows 8 frustration level very high!
January 19th Xinia's first day back, she is only working 4-5 hours a day as she is struggling a lot...
January 26th finally a day off...border run to Nicaragua!
So much for resting up!
January 29 spoke with Xinia today as a gave her a ride much as I wish I could if she is not going to come back full time I cannot continue to pay her a full time salary and pay someone else by the hour to pick up her slack...
She will let me know tomorrow if she want to move to hourly and work part time or stay on salary and work full time...
Pura Vida!
Going to Arno's tonight for some well deserved beers after work!

Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29

Bakery has been so bloody busy! Woo Hoo!!
Nothing but work and sleep...
Today had to run to Nicoya to get another pouch of 25KG of flour 
as 100KG was not enough for the week!
Closed January 1st...Can't wait LOL

December 26

Early Dinner last night, Jeff & Liane headed for home and I headed for bed!!!

December 25

Little hungover from several beers & Lemoncello playing Milles Bornes...

Heading to the bakery for 10am to get the turkey in the oven

December 24

Got pie dough ready yesterday now today making pies like a maniac!
Pumpkin, Sugar, Sweet Potato & Tourtiere for a total of 50 mas o menos!

Liane & Jeff on their way in from Tamarindo to spend the night and for Christmas dinner tomorrow

December 23

Wow talk about picking up the pace!!!
'Tis the season...
 Arno & I left this afternoon for SJO to run some errands for the busy season...
Spending the night at Colours, more errands in the am and then back home we go!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21

Best part about being the baby of the family...
My sister Therry will always be older than me!
Have a good one!