Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30

Good couple of days down on the beach during the day
Working with Barbara on Thursday doing a party of 35-40 on the beach, should be fun!
Off to Samara later today to look at a small hotel/restaurant for sale

Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28

Bit of rain yesterday, went to the Hula for a few beers last night.
Down at the beach with Barbara today and tomorrow during the day for the bicycle races, lots of people around...
Heading up to the Tucan in a bit, it's the owner Roberto birthday today and his wife Janet is having a small party for him

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27

Quiet night in last night.
Properties Shannon showed me were not what I am looking for but one of them would be a great investment property...
Real good price on titled beach front prime property...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26

Well got the BBQ assembled yesterday, now just need to sort out a tank and the regulator...
Good party by the pool yesterday afternoon with Barbara, Manuel and Fernando.
Off to look at a few places for sale with Shannon today

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25

Well made it back from Nicaragua in one piece...Got in late Monday evening.
Spent the day yesterday returning rental car, picking up groceries and recuperating!

Anabella and I had a blast in SJDS!
Great food, great drinks and great beach!
Here's some shots

dropping off Mom and Donna at Liberia airport
 A few tears were shed...They wouldn't be Gowans girls without them!!

 Look out SJDS here come the princesses!!
 Beers at a restaurant on the beach
 Love the Tona Beer and only 20 Cordobas in Nicaragua!
23 Cordobas = $1 US

 sun starting to set

 Maderas Beach, near San Juan Del Sur, good beach for surfing and swimming
 a surfing lesson

 chilling with a Flor de Cana and coke after a swim in the ocean

 Anabella striking some poses out front of the Anamar Hotel
after finding a great little Peruvian restaurant next to our Hotel the Posada Azul
The food was delicious and so cheap!!
We each had a fish dinner with rice & beans and salad and we each had a beer and it was 170 Cordobas!
Less than $4 each

 Joannie chilling at a pool bar having a Singapore Sling (thinking of my girls back home!!)

  Anabella enjoying a Tom Collins at the pool bar

 Touring SJDS near the Casino called Atlantic City
This was a hilarious Casino look out Vegas!!

 Picked up a BBQ on the way back in Liberia, Rob coming over today to help me assemble it!

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20

Mom and Donna are heading home today, once I have dropped them off at the airport Annabelle and I are off to San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua for the weekend as another 3 months are up and we must exit for 72 hours!
So I will be off the grid until Monday evening...
Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19

Well checked out a few places in Carrillo/Samara area, promising stuff so far...
Mom and Donna liked them all...
Off to look at a few more today in Samara

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18

Nice day at the beach with Barbara joining us for a few hours...
Waves were pretty big, got some good body surfing in!
Off to look at a few commercial properties for sale in Carrillo and Samara today

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17

Quiet Monday at Hakuna Matata...
Went to Samara in the morning to do some groceries and spent the day by the pool napping...

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

Wow what a great Sunday yesterday!
Rob, Barbara and myself went to Camaronal Beach for the surf competition.
We went out for a few hours as Barbara had to work at noon...
Some shots of the surfers

 Barbara and Rob in front of our makeshift shelter for a bit of shade
 Joannie & Rob
 more surfers

 Meanwhile Mom and Donna back at the house lounging by the pool like ladies of leisure...

 Then I went to Carrillo beach with Barbara while she was working...
Sent her in the water to grab some ocean water for Donna's eczema 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15

Quiet day of recuperation for me yesterday...
We just hung out by the pool...
Went for some dinner at the Hula
Here's a picture of all 3 of us for my sister!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14

Went out last night with the Princesses for my birthday
Thanks Diane & Jerry for the crowns and glasses they were a hit!
We ended up in Samara at Ariba where Barbara and I danced up a storm!

Anabelle, Barbara and me at the Hula

 Barbara being goofy!
 Barbara at Ariba
 Later in the evening we ended up back in Carrillo at El Colibri and Fernando the owner just had to try on the glasses!

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13

Good night out last night, went to El Colibri for a steak dinner with mom and Donna, they then went home and I met up with Janet the owner of the Tucan and we headed for a bar called Diria for a beer it was dead so we moved on to a bar in Estrada which had Kareoke (my favorite!)
We stayed there for a few beers, did a little dancing and called it a night.
Tonight going to hook up with the gang at the Hula Jungla as they were closed last to follow!
Here's a couple of Donna with the owner's parrot at the hotel in Potrero we went to look at Wednesday.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12

To me!!!

Well we went up to the Tamarindo area to look around and at a place for sale in Potrero
What a disappointment!
The place was listed as turnkey...Wow it was so far from turnkey!
It is good to go and look at these different areas because it confirms my gut feeling that I like the Carrillo area, I think it's a gem and I really want to stay in this area.
Now I just need to find a viable business to support myself...
Good luck to me LOL

April 11

Spent the morning at the beach yesterday, no red tide but wow the waves were big!
Get that sunscreen on!

 Me and mom heading into the ocean

 Donna trying to get mom wet!

 Donna trying to get me wet
The waves were pretty big, lost my hair elastic as I got bowled over
We are off to Tamarindo area overnight, will be back sometime on Thursday...