Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6

Another fun day in CR!
On our way to catch the bus there were monkeys on the road, cool for Billy to see

Took Billy to Pablito's for beers and Boca then we went to Vela Latina on the beach where 6 beers in a bucket of ice is $10.

Once we got back to La Tropicale Arno had prepared us a beautiful dinner as always tomato and egg salad to start, ribs and vegetables and then some flambeed bananas for desert
Off to the store to get beer and then off to the beach

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having way too much fun. You need to come home and help me with my garden and house painting. Now seriously, have a drink for us and enjoy. Tell Billy the weather here is still crazy so don't rush home.
