Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31

Fun night out last night, Ana and I went to Kaibella, yummy Thai food and great White Wine Sangria!

Kind of a cloud hanging overt us with Ana leaving for San Jose on Sunday and Argentina on Tuesday!
I am going to miss her a lot!
Arno is back from Montreal tonight can't wait to see him!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30

Well new girl Daniela seems to be pretty good, we are impressed with her so far but it's day 2 LOL
Xinia seems to be doing well, should be out of hospital tomorrow.
Definitely slowing down now, still doing ok but slower than it has been.
Made a decision to alleviate some stress for all of us...I am going to close the bakery for the two weeks I am in Canada. Then I will not be worried about what is going on here, and Xinia will not be all stressed out trying to do everything perfect in my absence!
As soon as I made the decision I felt the stress leave my body and I know it's the right decision!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29

Happy Birthday Janah!

Well so much for things going smooth!
Letting Harnol go today, hired him a week ago, not fitting in and really causing disruption amongst us!
Yesterday we closed at 2pm (our usual Tuesday time...)
Ana, Xinia, Enrique and I went to Nicoya to run some errands and Xinia had a doctor's appointment (some female stuff...).
Then we were to head back and go out for dinner before Ana leaves on Sunday for San Jose!
Well Xinia came out of her doctor's appointment and informed us she was being admitted to the hospital and having surgery this morning at 6am!! WTF!!!!!
So a few tears...and we left her there, hopefully all is good and it was just a minor thing...
Meanwhile her biggest concern is that she is leaving me in a pinch ! God love her!!!!!
So Ana is sleeping in a bit this morning should be here by 10am in time to witness me firing the guy.
Then new girl Daniela starting at noon today, hope she knows how to swim in the deep end LOL
Just like running dispatch all over again LOL
Coming and going...

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27

Well better day today1
Made it through the weekend...
Thought I broke my toe yesterday, smacked it real good, don't think it's broken this am but it is all purple...
No dancing for a few days LOL
Morning off today going to go for lunch on the beach later
Tomorrow running into Nicoya with Ana & Xinia after 2pm when we close and then going out for dinner just the 3 of us.
Ana leaves for Buenos Aires in a week, complete bummer!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26

Well lesson learned about sponsorship of events in CR!!!
Just about the most unorganized thing I have ever seen!
Complained to the organizer and he says he will give me my sponsorship fees back! Believe it when I have it in my hot little hands!!!
They forgot to put my logo on the poster!
They let people who were not sponsors set up stands and sell their food right next to me who paid to be there for the day!!! Not impressive!!
And today it is pouring rain so not interested in setting up on the beach today LOL

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24

Busy day today!
Getting organized for the Triathlon this weekend...
Getting lots of things prepped for the weekend!
Hopefully it's a good one and the weather holds!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well yesterday was Murphy's Law day!
So many things went wrong LOL
Tach stopped working on my new car for about 5 minutes! No idea why...keeping an eye on it!
New guy is getting a warning today and if he doesn't smarten up will see the door next...
He broke the tip off my chef's knife I have had for over 20 yrs, real happy about that, showed up late for work, we watched him saunter up the street without a care in the world that he was late!
Just not sure he is going to fit in here as Anabella and Xinia treat the bakery like they are the owners with me, for him it's just a job...
Then Xinia hurt herself sticking her hand in the mixer while it was still her husband ran her to the hospital for X-Rays, seems nothing is broken but badly bruised...she will stop by this morning to give us an update.
Few more that I can't think of right now...
Hopefully all good from here on!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22

Sorry day off yesterday and rained, with crazy thunder and lighting most of the day...
needless to say limited hydro and internet!
Perfect for sleeping most of the day away guilt free! LOL
Getting organized for the weekend as there is a triathlon in Samara and I am a sponsor!
Should be a busy one we hope!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug. 20

Well morning was going along well but now my stress level just went up a bit!
The oven is not working...waiting for Scott to get home to receive my message from his wife for "HELP!"
Hopefully it's not a big deal to get it going!!!!

Scott is my Hero!
Was just the fan that was bent or something making one hell of a racket!
All is good, super busy almost out of most things...
So baking a lot right now!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19

Great night last night at Rancho de la Playa, live music and cold beer!
Pura Vida
Steady Sunday today, off to La Tropicale for a BBQ after work with the gang...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18

Quiet Saturday morning at the bakery but it's only 6:45am!
I have started opening by myself for the first couple of hours, trying to train everyone to be organized...
Wicked storm last night went on forever but was great for sleeping last night little cool! Probably like 24 C LOL

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17

Friday in paradise!
Late start morning off...
Getting work done outside of the bakery

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16

Quiet morning, hired new guy Harnol (Arnold) started this morning, Anabella is training him, so far so good, seems to be competent!!
Anabella goes home in 3 weeks to Buenos Aires I am going to miss her a lot!
She has been a great help to get the bakery up and running not sure I could have done it without her!!
Off to Nicoya in a bit to run some fav!! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15

Busy morning!
Slow in the afternoon but hopefully people come out later...
quiet afternoon off yesterday, rainy afternoon perfect for a nap!

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13

Awesome night at Gusto Beach for a few beer last night, live music and free pizza on Mondays!!
Today is my day off chilling and getting some marketing work done but took time to go out for lunch with Arno to Pablito's for a couple of beers and a couple of Bocas!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12

Fun Night last night at the Guanamar for Charity Gala for Zona Azul.
Had a decent dinner and then a fashion show and then dancing!
Was fun but had to call it quits early since the bakery does not open itself in the morning LOL
Not that easy to see but I am never one to let a promotional opportunity pass by!
So I am wearing my Princess Crown to the Gala dinner last night!

 And oh YES! We found cupcake purses LMAO

 Tastes yummy LOL
The Fashion Show

 Ana enjoying the show!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11

late morning for me today not at the bakery until 10 am, lovely!
Looking forward to tonight we are going to the Guanamar Hotel for a Gala dinner in support of Zona Azul.
They do free medical services for the community amongst other things...

Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10

Nice surprise yesterday, Anthony a former customer of the hotel's tracked me down at the bakery to say "Hi"!
Was really nice to see him again!
Afternoon off yesterday, went over to Hakuna Matata to hang out with Krissi and Travis
Fun afternoon!
Doing some marketing work this morning for next Wednesday. Mother's Day here in CR!
Some examples of the cupcake we will make for Mother's Day
Inexpensive so little kids can pick one up for their moms!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9

Flight booked to come to Canada for Thanksgiving on Sept. 27th for two weeks to visit everyone and get paperwork in order for residency in CR.
Hoping for some Turkey & Sugar pie!!!!

Opened the bakery by myself like a big girl today LOL

Go check out the bakery page on facebook lots of photos of goodies we make
While you are there like the page please!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8

Well yesterday afternoon turned out to be a great day!
Closed up about 2pm,
went to the beach for a swim,

then to the pool for another swim, then went out for dinner in Samara at Gusto's for some delicious pasta!
Today went to Liberia to pick up my license plates for my car and ran some errands...Good times!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7

Another busy day yesterday!
Raining this morning. calling for rain all day
We now close early on Tuesdays so off at 2pm!
Was going to go to the beach but I guess the weather has other ideas!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5

Another busy day at the bakery yesterday, then last night went to Samara to Rancho de la Playa for "Open Mike Night"
Was pretty good, some good musicians in the area...
Today enjoying a day off, slept until 11am! Amazing!
Ran into town for some groceries, now off to the beach

Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3

Went for a nice steak dinner last night to El Colibri with Anabella and Arno.
Well enjoyed and deserved! We have been working hard!!!!
Last two days we have been breaking our sales records!
Keeping us hopping!
Here's a couple of shots of cake we have made recently
Working on photos of all our products for my website we are putting together in the next few weeks
Website address to follow!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1

Wow did July ever blow by!!
Having issues with Coca Cola rep, we called him an extortionist today...
Send us what ever he wants not what we ordered and then when we refuse some of the things he sent he threatens to take the whole delivery away!
Needless to say I am speaking to a big wig tomorrow!