Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30

Enjoying hanging out with Friends in Canada
Trying to get around to see everyone!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26

Well all organized and ready to go!
Heading for the airport at 8am tomorrow morning
Will be in TO for midnight!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25

Well getting sorted out to head for Canada Thursday morning!
Hope I don't freeze!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23

Quiet day yesterday, was feeling a bit under the weather so to speak! Migraine!
Much better today.
Last night and this am some aftershocks just when we thought it might be over!

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21

Steady day yesterday
Pizza and beers and Hula Jungla last night with Arno
Really not seeing the rain we should for this time of year, hope it starts to come soon as there will be problems come dry season without the rain now!
Here'a a shot of a bird that comes by almost every day for a snack, I feed him bread out of my hand!
He reminds me of a Blue Jay

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20

Steady day yesterday, I snuck out at 2pm and went home for a big nap!
Feeling better today, nothing another good night's sleep won't fix...
Trying to get myself organized for my trip to Canada next week, looking forward to seeing everyone!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19

Awesome relaxing day off but woke up stuffed up and aching all over!!!
Hopefully it passes quickly, really don't have time for this!

Couple of cool pics of some animals in CR!

PhotoPhoto: Greta Oto 
Costa Rican Name: espejitos

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17

Quiet night in last night...needed it!
Just got volunteered to be a member of the Red Cross Emergency Response Unit for Samara & Carrillo!
The earthquake from a couple of weeks ago definitely showed us this was lacking for the area...
Having had some experience back in my GNJ days with fire drills, etc...I figured why not!
 Here's the ad
Who is interested in being apart of a Volunteer Samara-Carrillo Emergency Response Unit? Men and Women.

*The idea is the person calls 911 FIRST.
*The idea is the person COULD call the ERU after and we would respond to offer assistance waiting for 911 to arrive.
*The idea is in case of a natural disaster you would take care of your family FIRST and when your people are safe then meet at the ERU command center to follow plans/procedures that will in place to help the community as long as it is safe to do so and you are not in the way of the 911 responders.
*The idea is in case of a fire to offer assistance until 911 arrives.
*The idea is there will be a community siren that with the consent of emergency officials would sound to warn the community of danger.

As a volunteer
- You would be required to take some basic medical training and emergency response training.
- You would be required to build your own medical/emergency kit
- You would be required to carry in your car an emergency kit and fire extinguisher
- You would be required be available at least one day a week to be responsible for the cell phone
- You would be required to be apart of a Phone Chain
- You will be asked to help with fundraisers

This is serious.
Is this something you are willing to do?
We may only have each other in an emergency!
Who is interested in being apart of a Volunteer Samara-Carrillo Emergency Response Unit? Men and Women.

*The idea is the person calls 911 FIRST.
*The idea is the person COULD call the ERU after and we would respond to offer assistance waiting for 911 to arrive. 
*The idea is in case of a natural disaster you would take care of your family FIRST and when your people are safe then meet at the ERU command center to follow plans/procedures that will in place to help the community as long as it is safe to do so and you are not in the way of the 911 responders. 
*The idea is in case of a fire to offer assistance until 911 arrives.
*The idea is there will be a community siren that with the consent of emergency officials would sound to warn the community of danger.  

As a volunteer  
- You would be required to take some basic medical training and emergency response training.
- You would be required to build your own medical/emergency kit
- You would be required to carry in your car an emergency kit and fire extinguisher 
- You would be required be available at least one day a week to be responsible for the cell phone
- You would be required to be apart of a Phone Chain
- You will be asked to help with fundraisers

This is serious.
Is this something you are willing to do?
We may only have each other in an emergency!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16

OK so hilarious night last night!
We ended up over at the Gondola for a Tranny female impersonator show!
In Samara! First time for everything!!
Loved it, the gays came from far and wide to see the show proudly flying their rainbow flag out from of the restaurant for the night...
I think they might have more as there was a good crowd for low season!
Good for them for thinking outside the box no pun intended LMAO
Of course all us straight kids had to go out and see the show! LOL

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15

Awesome dinner at Arno's last night! Just need to find some straight men LOL
I think we are all heading to Rancho de la Playa for some live music.
Steady morning, hoping for a good afternoon, surf competition in town today...

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14

Well business has picked back up the last couple of days! Not as busy as July but better than last week!
Heading over to Arno's at La Tropicale for dinner

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12

Great Shot of downtown Samara today LOL
Seems the horses don't mind these bloody aftershocks that keep happening!
Xinia says she has had enough now and would like them to stop!
at 12:45 pm it was a 4.5
BTW the bakery is right after the telephone pole where the person is walking past the red vehicle

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11

Grabbing breakfast and heading out to run errands with Arno in San Jose!

September 9

Well might have to climb up on a soap box today!!
Just found out that in the town of El Torito, where I now live (half way between Carrillo & Samara) there are approximately 70 people displaced due to losing there homes last Wednesday. This is probably one of the poorest towns around here...
So the need to climb up is that the local Ex-Pat "Gringos" are all going around doing a drive for dog food and pet supplies for these people's pets...
Ok so I love animals as well as the next person but when I asked repeatedly what about the people? Do they need anything? They all just say they are fine the government is taking care of them...then I ask did you actually stop by to ask?
I tried to go over but they really don't speak English and are rightfully leery of white people...
They are 70 people sleeping on mattresses on the floor of the community center which is a cement slab with a roof and minimal walls in the rain!!!
So today is "la Dias del Nino", kids day so I made a cake and went and dropped it off at he shelter for the kids. They seemed to appreciate it a lot!
I tried to see if they needed anything else but they said they were fine, very proud people!
Packing for San Jose,, heading out right after work tomorrow

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10

In San Jose with Arno to run errands tomorrow! Just arrived 9pm, off to grab some dinner

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8

Internet has been spotty at best...
Lots of aftershocks, up to 5.6! Keeping everyone on their toes!
They say there have been 1250 so far since the earthquake on Wednesday!
Definitely been interesting!
Hope it ends soon they say it can last for a couple of weeks...

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7

Sorry internet was spotty last night at home and I went down for a big nap!
Night before was not very good sleep with a lot of aftershocks...big one at 3am 5.2 that got everyone out of bed!
Things are back to normal, clean up completed...
Heading to the Hula this evening as they are hosting this month's "First Friday" a gathering of Ex- Pats held every month!
This will be my first time attending, should be case it's too much fun I booked tomorrow off!!!

How Arno and I spent the day Wednesday!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6

Wow that was something!
Sorry have not posted in a few days...
was in the process of posting when the earthquake hit!
Everyone I know is OK, will post more tonight, at the bakery doing clean up

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2

Good Dinner last night at La Tropicale for Anabella's going away...
Totally going to miss her!
Tired today...Happy we did not open until 8am!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1

Well that blew by fast!
Today was Anabella's last day at the bakery...bummer!
I am going to miss her a lot!
We are off to dinner at Arno's for Ana's going away party
I feel there might be a few tears tonight!!!
Xinia is back to work tomorrow, she stopped by today and is doing well, we will keep her from doing anything heavy for the week. New girl Daniela is good so far! Keep my fingers crossed!!!!!