Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 9

Well might have to climb up on a soap box today!!
Just found out that in the town of El Torito, where I now live (half way between Carrillo & Samara) there are approximately 70 people displaced due to losing there homes last Wednesday. This is probably one of the poorest towns around here...
So the need to climb up is that the local Ex-Pat "Gringos" are all going around doing a drive for dog food and pet supplies for these people's pets...
Ok so I love animals as well as the next person but when I asked repeatedly what about the people? Do they need anything? They all just say they are fine the government is taking care of them...then I ask did you actually stop by to ask?
I tried to go over but they really don't speak English and are rightfully leery of white people...
They are 70 people sleeping on mattresses on the floor of the community center which is a cement slab with a roof and minimal walls in the rain!!!
So today is "la Dias del Nino", kids day so I made a cake and went and dropped it off at he shelter for the kids. They seemed to appreciate it a lot!
I tried to see if they needed anything else but they said they were fine, very proud people!
Packing for San Jose,, heading out right after work tomorrow

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