Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30

Made it to San Jose!
Only got lost once (first time driving by myself), called Enrique and he talked me back on track!
Just sitting by the pool waiting for Arno to arrive later

Lots of time to think on my long drive in today...One year in CR tomorrow!
Made me reflect on how excited yet scared I was a year ago when I got on the plane and flew here to live...
Still happy with my decision to move here and feel I made the right decision buying the bakery.
Happy!! Working hard, keeping busy, lots to do...

Sure don't get tired of this view most mornings when I go for a quick jaunt on the beach before work!

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29

Weird day...out of the blue sell 3 birthday cakes today...good business, not complaining just odd!
Here's one of them

Off to San Jose tomorrow for day 3 of errand running to government offices!
Hoping to pick up Arno to come back with me,,,flying in from Mtl, hope that works for him LOL

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28

So Donna says to me the other day I should think about coming home with all these earthquakes and aftershocks here...
Was that not a 7.7 in Canada last night?????
At least here I am warm!!!

So yesterday funny situation or so I thought so!
I was in the kitchen with Xinia showing her how to make pie crust from scratch as we have some orders for pumpkin pie!
Anyways a little Tico guy about 3-4 yrs old comes right to the kitchen door and asks if he can please get an ice cream, Xinia says I'll get it since I am covered in flour...kid gets Xinia to scoop his cone asks for extra sprinkles, a cookie on the side, "the works".
Xinia tells him how much it is as she hands it to him and he smiles at her showing he is missing his two front teeth and says I don't have any money!
Xinia comes to me and says I am so sorry, how was I to know, what should we do, I smiled and said let him have the cone...what am I going to do...
About a minute later the mom comes in pregnant with a 1 yr old on her hip and says I am so sorry I do not have money to pay for the cone you gave my son, I said it's fine just teach him that if he has no money he should ask first as not all business owners will be charmed my his toothless smile!!
Pura Vida!

Another lovely sunny morning...quick skip on the beach before heading in to open the bakery!

October 27

Interesting meeting with the cops on counterfeit money yesterday...lots of cool security features on the new money that they showed us.

Quiet Saturday at the bakery!

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26

Rainy night last night so went to bed early! Up at 5am!!
Today nice and sunny everyone is smiling...was going to close the bakery at 4 and head for the beach but forgot I have to go to a meeting at 2pm regarding counterfeit  money!
So much for working on my tan today LOL

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25

Should be much better now...just had internet & WiFi installed at the bakery so I will have consistent internet access! and so will the customers!
Raining all day today...pretty slow!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23

Well day 2 in Nicoya...Another semi productive day...

Went for CR driver's license, new office in Nicoya...Turns out no luck..must go to San Jose! This office is only for renewals not new licenses...

Got an accountant that speaks English! Happy!! She is taking care of registering with Hacienda (sales tax) for me, phew! If not off to Liberia for that one...

Went to service center I was told was authorized by Grupo Q (company I bought my car from) turns out they are only authorized for Kia & Nissan sold by Grupo Q not Hyundai so need to go to San Jose for an oil change if I want to keep my warranty! That Rocks!!!!!

Then ran into Erin Parker, people renting Rob's house for 6 months at Pali and gave her a ride home with her groceries...better than the bus!

Stopped by Arno's to check on things since he is in Montreal freezing his butt off LOL

Then came home grabbed a cold beer and was sitting on the balcony listening to Radio Samara

and Rock n Roll!! An "Aftershock" 6.6 lasted I would guess about 10 seconds...
Ran out the door to gather with everyone else in the lobby...then we all went to Giorga the landlord's apartment to check on the news for tsunami warnings. Luckily all is good!!

Few more little rumblings...every 20 minutes or so...will be a long night!

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22

Busy day spent at government offices...
Got Social security & workman's compensation set internet ordered for the bakery so will have WiFi soon for customers!
Tomorrow getting driver's license...
Well those of you who know me well know I am a sucker for Xmas! Especially for the kids...
So found these little guys at a great price today in Nicoya and dropped them off to get things rolling!

October 20

Well rough start, had fun last night!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19

Well at least it was sunny today! Much appreciated!
Another steady at the bakery...
Off to Suenos Tropical with Brenda & Chris from Info Samara for a few Friday after work cocktails!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18

Another rainy day today...was set to go to Nicoya to run errands, made it as far as the gas station La Bomba, 2 close calls...people need to slow down in the rain...decided I will wait until another day!
Came home instead and had a great rainy afternoon nap, perfect!!

October 17

Pretty busy at the bakery!
Unexpected for this time of year which is fantastic!
Today in Samara at the main intersection directing traffic

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16

Sorry bit of a slacker on the blog...busy weekend!
Did not plan it but re opened the bakery on Friday only to find out it was a long weekend!
Slammed busy most of the weekend with only Xinia and myself working!
Awesome way to start back...
Martin got the artwork on the walls done 

 Xinia hard at work

October 12th

Made it back to Costa Rica safe and sound!
Hell of a rain storm between Nicoya & Samara in the mountains!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11

Well heading back to CR!
Great seeing lots of friends, lots of good food and beers!
Ready to get back to the warmth!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6

Sorry Slacker on the posts!
Hanging out with family this weekend...running around town trying to see everyone!
Baking pumpkin & sugar pies this afternoon for Thanksgiving dinner!
Ready to head back to CR! Cold here only 7 C today!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1

Wow another month gone by!
Enjoying visiting friends and family in Canada!
Mom coming in tomorrow from Montreal for Thanksgiving!
Meeting up with GNJ friends on Thursday
Weather is alright high teens, nice fall weather!