Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29

Super busy semana de Santa in Samara!!
We have sold 17 Birthday cakes to date,,,
Expect to run out of ice cream by Sunday!
All good working lots of hours!
Ready for mini vacation in Granada, Nicaragua on Sunday afternoon.

Will be off the grid, no laptop from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday evening

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25

Well attempt at a day off not very successful!

Slept in until 8am, then my phone never stopped ringing!
Cake orders, errands to run...
Then Liane and I had sushi on the brain, that was a total bust!  Both places that sell sushi were a fail!
So we settled for sandwiches and fries at Sheriff's on the beach...
Then we were off to Carrillo to deliver a couple of cake..
Home for a nap, now we are off to the Rodeo to see some fools chase the bulls
Tomorrow is Liane's first day as Ice Cream Manager!

Just got some photos of the rodeo from Liane's blog!

Opening fireworks

All the riders lined up for the opening

Coldest beer ever in CR! Went all slushy on us!
Beer at the rodeo is usually piss warm

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24

Wedding was a success!
Here's a photo of the cake we made

Bakery was super busy today, people are starting to come to our beach town in droves!

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22

Oh My! Slept like a champ last night!

Another busy one today...
Getting organized for tomorrow's wedding
Weather is super hot like 37 C today...

Liane arrived back yesterday, she is going to give a hand tomorrow at Arno's

Next week she will be helping at the bakery as "Ice Cream Manager!" LMAO

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21

Crazy errand day today...
Hair & petty appt. 8am,
Over to La Tropicale to chat with the wedding party 11am.
Stop by Hotel Esperanza to confirm renting chairs & table 12pm
Head for the bakery to make sure all is good 1pm
Toss Liane the key to my apt. on my way out as she arrives...
Off to Nicoya to run errands 1:30 pm
Back from Nicoya errands (where we saw rain for about 5 minutes! First since Xmas Eve!!) 5pm
Daniela off to night school 5:30pm
Working the closing few hours at the bakery...

Good times!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20

Heading into a busy few weeks in town...this weekend Rodeo in town for 5 m=nights, also a wedding cake and large Bday cake for the weekend...
Then Semana de Santa (Easter Week) will be crazy busy all week...then of to Nicaragua for 3 days on Easter Sunday and then another wedding cake upon my return!

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18

Well turned out St Patty's was quiet for me!
Went for lunch with Arno and the French gang on the beach and then went home to chill...
Was debating going into town around 6pm to get some food when Giorgia my landlord knocked at my door and handed me 2 slices of homemade pizza! Timing is everything!

Just found out starting Thursday is the Bull Festival in Samara (Rodeo) That should bring the folks in this weekend...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17

Awesome night out with Shoshana and the gang, delicious dinner at Kaibella as always, then over to Coco's for night caps!

Day off today going to try and not get into too much trouble LOL

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16

Allergic reaction seems to have settled back down...

Talked to uncle David and the gang from Wilsboro this morning on Skype, got to see my newest relative Colden. Proud Grampy I think!

Relaxing morning, getting caught up on paperwork...time to get out of my PJ's and get to the bakery!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15

Well been suffering from some kind of allergic reaction to something...
Started about 3 weeks ago woke up with a swollen ear, thought it was a bug bite...
Then last week woke up with big welts all over me and itchy everywhere, went to Dr, Freddy and got a shot in the butt and was good the following day...
Woke up yesterday morning with my hand so swollen I couldn't bend my fingers and my right eye was swollen shut WTF!!
Went back to Dr. Freddy for another shot in the butt, all good today but now must write down everything I eat for the next couple of weeks to try and figure out what I am allergic to. Dr. Freddy figures it's something at the bakery...could be we switched brands of apple pie filling and I eat an apple roll most mornings for breakfast, could be causing a slight allergy and making me susceptible to other things.
So no apple roll for a few weeks to see if that is it...
Besides that I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary...

Bakery is pretty steady, heading into a couple of crazy weeks, next weekend wedding cake on Saturday, big Bday cake on Sunday, then semena de Santa, Easter week, super busy here all the Ticos come in from San Jose from Wednesday to Sunday, then heading to Grananda, Nicaragua with Arno, Alan & Liane for 3 days, then another wedding cake the following weekend!
Woo Hoo! Ready for slower season!!

Larry & Shoshana are back in town gang of us going out for dinner tomorrow night at Kaibella, should be fun!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

Pretty busy today, for some reason a run of Bday cakes! Did 6 today...

March 11

Day off today, taking Gwen to the airport, 2 weeks went by super quick!

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8

So new business opened next to the bakery, Luv Burger, a vegan restaurant.
Hope they do well...

Gwen & I went to El Colibri for a steak last night, always delicious!!!!!!!

Today took a bit of time and went for lunch at Gusto Bach, not cheap but yummy food!
Gnocchi was cooked to perfection!

Free Mimosa for International Women's Day was nice too!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6

Good day off today, slept in, got my car washed, hung out at Arno's this evening, had dinner with his guests.

Enjoying my time with Gwen.

Oh Yeah! Oven came back today, all fixed (I hope) $200 repair not as bad as I feared!

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4

Holy Monday!!!!!!!!!

So Saturday afternoon my big oven died...Scott could not fix so called the appliance guy in Carrillo...he took the oven away with him, lots of fried wires...
Xinia totally stepped up and got on the phone to her husband and got 1 small apartment size gas stove and 1 small apartment size electric stove down here so we can bake something...
The wind has been crazy since Saturday night, everything getting blown around...dust is unbelievable!!!

So the small gas oven not working, not sure why...small electric over running off 110 so keep having to shut off things to use it!  Good times!!!

Enjoying my visit with Gwen, I am sure she is sick of hanging out at the bakery!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3

Awesome Road Trip last night to Vida Loca Bar in Playa Coco to see Downchild Blues Band with the Leatherbacks. Just what the doctor ordered, a little taste of home!!

Just had a great surprise visit from Anne & Minnow my very last guests at Esperanza! So lovely to see them staying at the Kalimba in Samara

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

Thank you Doctor Freddy!
Sweated like a champ all night but all better this morning!
What ever he put in the shot he gave me sure worked!

Busy day at the bakery today but Gwen & I took time out to go to Gusto Beach and meet up with Heather from Nova Scotia for some lunch...

We thwn headed to Carrillo beach to cut some flowers for the wedding cupcakes.
Then got ready to deliver Wedding cupcakes to Locanda for a small wedding.
Wedding party were very happy with our work!

February 28

Well had myself an allergic reaction to something, not sure what...had welts all over my body...
Went to doctor Freddy got a shot in the butt and went home for a big nap.