Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31

Wow where did July go?
Fun night out last night with Arno, went over for dinner after closing the bakery and we decided to go to our new favorite place the Zen Den for a couple of beers (I don't think we know how to count LMAO!)
I got home at 1am!
When will I learn LOL

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28

2nd attempt at day off spent by the pool
Hopefully the weather cooperates!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27

Well...easy come easy go!
Did house inspection this am with Scott few minor things...
Decided to go ahead with the purchase and write up an offer...and the real estate agent just called to say a person who previously viewed the house just put in an offer of $20k more than me!!!!
Bummer but relief, buying a house in CR was a scary concept solo!

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26

Well...buying a house in Costa Rica, guess I am staying!
At least attempting to buy a house, will know for sure when I am living it it!
Here's a few pics

Looking out the entrance from the kitchen
 property behind house
 living room (bed will go in second small house)
 Living Room Ceiling (this room is round)
 bathroom, super high ceilings
 kitchen, room for a stove and a table and chairs
 Front of house where bedroom is
 bathroom again
 view from driveway
 small guest house
 View from driveway
 kitchen in small house
 second house

Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 25

Today in Costa Rica is a Holiday, celebrating the independance of Guanacaste (provinve I live in) from Nicaragua to become part of CR.
Lots of celebrations, here's in the plaza where the bakery is from the kids at the school upstairs

 This little guy Abraham was my favorite! He walk to a beat of a different drummer than everyone else LOL

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24

Nothing too exciting going on...
Problems with drainage of two sinks at bakery, meeting with a lawyer this morning to make sure I am not responsible for fixing problem and that landlord is...
Pura Vida!

Good news landlord paid but guess what in Costa Rica technically I am responsible according to the lawyer I got advice from!!
Double Pura Vida!

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22

Awesome day off even though Mother Nature had other plans!
Rained most of the day...
So went to La Roca for breakfast with Brenda & Chris, then grabbed some food and went back to my place, the rain never let up so we just sat on the balcony and had some cocktails and snacks all afternoon while playing cards!
Taught them how to play a couple of classics, Milles Borne and Crazy 8's

Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21

Day off today! Woo hoo!

Going to chill by the pool, it's been pretty busy lately!

July 20

Went to a cool new place in Samara last night called the Zen Den, with Tapas, really laid back, loved it!

Enjoyed the company as well, Brenda, Chris, Arno, Alan and Kathy from TO via Australia a customer at the bakery traveling alone that I invited to join us!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18

Weather has been super nice during the day, rain almost every afternoon or evening...

Bakery has been steady, fair bit of families around from Canada & US.

July 16

Some days owning a business in Costa Rica have their challenges!

My main supplier just did not show up with my delivery today, nothing major just flour, sugar...nothing a bakery really needs to operate LOL
So Friday I get to go to Nicoya to meet the truck as they don't come to Samara on Fridays...
Off to Pali to buy up all their flour, get me through until Friday!

July 14

1 Year at Princesa!