Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 3

Yesterday went to Nicoya and got my permit from Health Board Finally!!!

Also mentioned to them that I had received a phone call Saturday afternoon from a guy saying he worked for Minister de Salud and was coming around collecting 15000 Colones ($30) for an information poster for Dengue for the community. They informed me that it was a scam and to not give anyone money like that as they are all false...When I was leaving the guy asked me if this guy comes into your bakery and you can please get his picture.
Well buddy showed up this afternoon, I was just walking to the bank when Xinia called me and said some guy is here from Miniter de Salud to collect the 15000, i said I will be there in 2 minutes!
On my walk back I pulled my camera out of my purse and walked in the bakery and went behind the counter and snapped his picture and got a picture of the letter he was using on Min. de Salud letterhead.
I did it so fast e did not realize what I was up to. I then told him I was at their offices yesterday and was told that this was all a scam...he grabbed his things and ran off...
I let Info Samara know and we posted the pics immediately letting everyone know not to give this guys $$$.
About 30 minutes later the guy calls me to tell me he just met with the police and they said he is not doing anything wrong and believe him so stop telling everyone to not give him money!!!
So Brenda and I book it down the street to the police station only the have our local crack police force say we let him go, he is not a baa man, he is collecting money for a school in Santa Cruz. WTF!!!!!
Then they say he is an illegal from El Salvadore and should be deported but they let him go!!!
Awesome police work boys!!!
This is what we had posted on FB
This guy is going around town saying he is from the Ministerio De Salud asking for c15,000 to place an advert on a poster for a denge information.
The police are informed.
DO NOT give him any money

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