Well today started off great!
Last night was my last with no guests until into the new year, went for a few cervezas next door had Hula Jungla, had a good time, home and in bed by 1am, no guests this am so slept in until about 7:30 am, had a nice breakfast, walked up to the market to get some fresh produce, had a massage and pedicure at ten, totally relaxed figured a little siesta in my future for the afternoon, got some laundry going and was bopping down the stairs when I heard a really loud pop and then water spraying, yep you guessed it!!! Room two again! Ran and shut off the water so really didn't get the flooding as bad as last time as I was right there when it occurred but for crying out loud!!! Anyhow turns out it was from a completely different section than what Rob repaired...he was able to repair this in 30 minutes, just ahead of guests starting to arrive and check in.
So now I have 20 minutes to nap and then get ready for dinner...
Woo Hoo!!
Ok so not sure if this link will work or not but it's from my guest Jim who owns the Monteverde Butterfly Garden, he is right into animals and bugs...this is a film he shot while staying here for two nights of the crocodile that lives under the bridge on the way to the beach!
Hope your siesta was a good one. It's most likely the last for a few weeks. Thank goodness for Rob. I guess he took me serious when I asked him to check in every now and then. Looks like its more 'every NOW' than 'then'. Oh well, keep on trucking and keep us posted. Remember, its only when you stop moving can any of this catch you!!!!!
Well, after playing around with a few programs I have used in the past I went to NCH Software and free downloaded 'Prism Video File Converter. (Trusted site and programming). I then downloaded the video from your blog site, dragged into Prism and it played just fine. Hope this helps anyone who is interested.