Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31

Well last day of 2012

Lots to reflect upon and I am sure I will get the chance to soon enough...

Yesterday there was a parade Tope through Samara (cowboys on horseback) for the Festival del Toro going on at the fair grounds across town. They said it would start out front of the bakery around noon, then 2 then 3 then 4 and finally went at 5pm. Good news is it kept everyone hanging around the bakery all day!
Another record day!

Tonight open until probably about 10pm, then down to the beach to bring in the new year...
Bakery closed tomorrow, off to Nicaragua to do a passport border run!

December 30

Bit busier than yesterday!
Working a crazy amount of hours right now...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29

Woo Hoo!
Record day yesterday by like $200 dollars! That's a lot of bread!!!!!
Not lots else going on working 12-15 hours per day...

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28

Wow much busier yesterday and today!!

Closed about 8:30 last night and this am realized I had left my laptop power cord at the ran in to get it around 7am place was worked until about 8:30 before I got the chance to run home and get organized and get back to the bakery...
Happy working hard!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26

Happy Boxing day!

Just talked with Gwen, Woo Hoo!
Coming to CR end of February for a couple of weeks, can't wait!

Steady stream of people today, girls were in at 4am to get production rolling...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 25

Have a good one all!

Hopefully Gwen got her Christmas gift by now...tried calling...

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24

Well Feliz Navidad all!

Off to Arno's tonight for a party, tomorrow morning Champagne breakfast @ Arno's then beach in the afternoon, dinner @ Monte Laguna where I live and then off to another party...

I sent the girls home at noon with gifts for their children and they surprised me with small gifts as well!

Bakery Closed tomorrow so we can all enjoy a little!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

December 23

OMG Long day...Baking all day for Christmas
Made some carrot cakes, Christmas logs, Apple Crumble Pies, Sugar Pies, Chocolate Cream Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Comote Pie (Sweet Potato)
Thank goodness tomorrow we close at 3pm and then have the 25th off!!!!!

December 22

Got my car back this afternoon!

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21

To my sister Therry!

Got a new fridge, $600 I was not intending on spending...Chris & Brenda lent me their car so in record time I went to Nicoya and back...left at 9:30 am and was back at the bakery at 12:30 with the delivery truck behind me!
Was supposed to take the 10am bus to go get my car but they are saying later today or first thing in the am...PATIENCE!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20

Great Day off yesterday!
Hung around the pool, drank a few beers, Chris made up some delicious burger for dinner...
Just a well deserved relaxed day
Now back to reality, kitchen fridge died to Nicoya to buy a new one!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19

Day off today...Awesome! Slept in first time in a long time.
Getting it in gear now as it's Brenda's Bday today and we are hanging by the pool

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18

Another busy day...still taking the bus, they are now saying car will be ready Friday!
Day off tomorrow, Brenda from info Samara's Bday getting together for dinner
Should be fun!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16

Well both gentlemen came by and apologized for the issues with the bread, I told them no problem we will establish the rules now...
If you want bread reserved then you pay up front if not it's what's in the case and first come first serve...
Pura Vida!

Besides that all is good keeping super busy, no car so taking the bus...hoping it's ready Wed. like they promised!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15

Well not as busy today but still decent.
2 new restaurants opening this weekend by Canadians...both asked me to supply them with bread...both turned out to be exactly what I thought Ex-Pats would be FLAKES!!!
Who thinks they can place an order for bread, not show up and pick it up and then say sorry we did not have very many customers I don't need it!!!
Then the other guy only takes half his bread order he requested for 7am, Xinia came in special to bake him fresh bread! Wait until he shows up tomorrow morning Xinia is off and Joannie ain't coming in until 7am!!!
This same guy then just stopped by and says I am going to put posters advertising my restaurant all over the front of your bakery because you have a good location...again WTF!!!
I told him that it was not permitted for non tenants (not true) and he said why not? Because you don't pay rent here why should you get to advertise here?
Some people's kids I tell you!

Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14

Wow busiest day yet!!!
Had a busload of Germans stop in and order up a bunch a sandwiches...then 3 walk in cake orders for ASAP! Lots of people for lunch, sure busier!! Woo Hoo because just had to pay staff their mandatory Xmas bonus (1 months pay known as the 13th month) plus it's pay day plus social security plus internet plus sales taxes...Glad the cash is coming in stronger now!!

December 13

Well first day with no car taking the bus, not bad in the morning but pain at night...had to wait 1 hour after working all day but price of bus for a week is same as 1 cab ride...
Getting much busier every day, going to be crazy in a week or so!

December 12

Awesome day!
Went to Nicoya to drop my car off at the garage for a minimum of 1 week...believe it when I have it back!!!!
Then went with Brenda to run errands tried a new burger joint called Bobo's juicy yummy burger and fries was delicious. I will certainly go there again when in Nicoya.

Then we went Christmas shopping for the toy drive. I found a great store that the guy gave us 10% off and we got two huge boxes full of 158 toys.

Then once home went to Arno's for our combined staff Christmas party.

Maricela, Roberto (Xinia's husband) & Xinia at La Tropicale
 Joannie & Daniela at La Tropicale
 Arno & Alan at La Tropicale
 La Tropicale staff Luz & Juan and the two electricians

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11

Posted earlier today by me on Samara Info center's FB page

Question for you guys.
Can you please tell me how to or to whom I can send a formal complaint about CREAR?
I gave them $100 to be a sponsor in the bike race on Sunday a couple of weeks ago and cannot get a receipt out of them, never mind that I feel my money was a waste as I never received the T Shirt with my logo on it promised to me, nor was there any advertising around town...The point of being
 a sponsor is to let people know you have donated money to support the cause so the participant can in turn support your business...

And when I phoned yesterday to let them know I was not happy with the situation, they got all defensive and said they did not like the way I was speaking to them just because they are a non profit!!
Wow just about the most unprofessional people I have ever dealt with! I do not feel that constructive criticism is a reason for a mature professional to get their back up but an opportunity for improvement in the future.
The conversation ended with me saying obviously we disagree please drop off my receipt and T shirt today and we will call it a day.
I had no intention of calling them out publicly but no receipt, no T still so I feel I have no recourse but to publicly shame them into doing what a professional would have done in the first place.

I have many year in non profits, on boards and fundraising for a lot of various charities and causes in Canada and I can tell you these people would not be there long!
Needless to say lesson learned about donating money or anything to CREAR.
Hopefully I can find a good local professional charity to sponsor in the future

December 10

Went over to Tucan for a delicious pizza last night
So glad they are opened again!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9

Went over to Arno's for dinner last night and then early to bed... hard for me to party hard two nights in a row when I am working 12 + hours per day!!
Lazy Sunday so far at the bakery, came in around 10 am and Xinia & Maricela had the place ripped apart cleaning every nook and cranny!
These girls ROCK!!!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8

well...Awesome 1st Fridays yesterday, Brenda from the info center and I turned it into 1st Saturday!
Had our 1st beer at 2 pm and our last at 12 midnight!
Seems we were not aware we would be dying all day today of a hangover!!!!

The original excuse was I had to deliver a cake...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6

Man business has picked up!
Pretty steady all day, lots of ice cream cones...lots of soup and sandwiches...lots of whole wheat rolls?? WTF
Everyt day we sell out of something and today it's whole wheat rolls LOL
Who knew??

Feliz Navidad!
Xinia, Maricela, Joannie & Daniela

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 4

Woo Hoo!
Ice Cream Truck arrived and only 2 hours later than the supervisor told me they would be here!
Pretty impressive!

Productive day yesterday in Nicoya with Brenda & Alan...We got lots done and then stopped at La Roca for some lunch and a frosty beer on the way back.
Awesome day off LOL

Getting ready for Friday and Saturday's Free Clinic for the locals, they pull in a bunch of different doctors & dentists for free medical attention for the poor. Donating a bunch of muffins...
This is part of the charity dinner/ fashion show Anabella and I went to months ago at Guanamar

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3

So sold out of Ice Cream yesterday...Ice Cream truck ALWAYS comes on Monday mornings!
You got it! Not this Monday...Seems it "broke down" Tico for changed the schedule around...
So the truck will be here tomorrow!
Love being an Ice Cream Parlor with no Ice Cream!!!
Pura Vida

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2

Another beautiful hot sunny day in Costa Rica!

Pretty sure rain is over for the most part this season...

Bakery was slow this am everyone probably hung over!!

Hopefully it picks up this afternoon

December 1

Wow Really December!!!!

Bakery is much busier these days than it has been...keeping me out of trouble LOL

Happy Tucan re opened recently, went there for pizza and a couple of beers last night