Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29

This is definitely busy season!
restaurant doing well
Guests are all good...
Back to work!!
Gwen when you read this Xinia says "Hi!"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28

Another busy day...
Weather is really hot now!
Enjoying Jerry & Diane being here

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27

Ok I have been a bit of  slacker with the blog!!
Hanging out with Karen & Jackie, they are leaving today.

Jerry and Diane are on their way from the airport.
I have two fishermen here from Flamingo Bay Charters, the owner Lupita and her son Marco came and spent the night to make sure her customers were taken care of. They usually fish in Capos.
I really enjoyed meeting Lupita, smart business woman with some good insights...Definitely will keep in touch with her!
Restaurant was busy last night, I think the sandwich board Ricky made me is helping!!
Thanks Rick!
Just got back from Hojancha to go renew our licenses, what a drive over the mountains that is!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24

Well back to work, getting ready for a full house in the next couple of days...
Karen & her friend Jackie arrive this afternoon
Gwen called me last night so they made it home safe
Miss them already!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23

Gwen & Rick's last night with Rob & Xinia joining us

                                             The girls all about the local liqueur Golden Cream
                                             The boys all about the Cafe Rica

Gwen & Rick should be in Canada by now...
We left for the airport at 4 am, I got back around noon and took a nap!!
Miss them already!!
Karen formerly of GNJ IT dept. arrives tomorrow with her girlfriend for a few days.
Tonight quiet night in my PJ's!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22

Went out for a great steak last night at El Colibri with Gwen and Rick.
Rick has asked for Xinia to come in tonight to cook up some fish for their last night!
Tomorrow we leave for Liberia @ 4am! OUCH!!

                                       Here are some videos of zip lining the other day

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21

Today we had our lovely french couple from Sorel check out. Really enjoyed them!
                                       My friend Rob them took us out to the tidal pools nearby.
                                                         Ricky holding some kind of starfish
                                                             Ricky, Rob & Gwen

                                                          Gwen in the pool, nice shoes!
                                                          Gwen still in the pool
                                                            Here comes the waves!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20

Another hot day in Paradise!
Happy Family day to those of you lucky enough to live in a province that gives you today off!!
Gwen and Rick just got back from venturing to Samara on their own to do a bit of shopping.
Now they are just chillin' by the pool.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19

Rick has a friend, Eric who was an exchange student who came to stay with Rick over 20 yrs ago.
Eric and his family came to visit today, they live in Philadelphia, Costa Rica. (Between Nicoya and Liberia)
They are a beautiful family and I really enjoyed meeting them, I now feel like I have family in CR!!
Xinia cooked another amazing dinner tonight, Eric said it was the best fish dinner he has ever had! Kudos Xinia!
Also a really nice couple from Sorel staying for a few nights, they joined us for a night cap.

February 18

These are shots of Travis & Krissy's new house Casa Hakunah Matada,  the view is amazing!

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17

Happy Birthday Rick!!
We are taking him zip lining after breakfast!
Pictures to follow...
Xinia my cook is coming in tonight to make Rick a nice crab pasta.
Dinner was great, then Rick got into the Cafe Rica, like a Kahlua but stronger, then Gwen found a similar bottle called Golden Cream and we buried the whole bottle!! It is my new favorite drink! Thanks a lot Gwen for discovering this in my kitchen!!
Here's some shots of us being brave!
                                       The plants at this plate were on steroids! This is a poinsettia!!!
                                                                          A fern

Manu & Freddy our guides getting ready to take us out
Ricky looking quite confident on terra firma!
                                                        Joannie looking hot in her harness LOL
                                                          Ricky hanging on for dear life!!
                                           The suspension bridge up to the first platform, kinda scary!
                                                                    Gwen in the trees

                                                               Gwen & Rick in the trees
                                                                Joannie in the trees
                                                        Mackenzie a 5 yr old showing off

                                                          Freddy waiting for the next victim
                                                             Joannie needing a moment!
                                                                Joannie not happy!!!
                                                     Gwen getting ready for the next run
                                                                         Go Gwen!

                                                                          Go Ricky!

                                                                       Nice view