Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30th

Finally got some suppliers to deliver today!!!!!!
Got liquor, food and Coke.
Beer to come tomorrow then we are stocked up and ready to go.
Stayed for a beer after dinner at the El Colibri which you know turned into several...still don't know how to go for one!
Paid for it all day today but was good to wind down and have a few laughs with some of the local and my friend Natalie.

November 29

Very productive day today!
Finally met up with most of the suppliers to get orders placed for food and liquor...
Went for a great steak dinner at El Colibri the Argentinian Steak House behind the hotel.
Not sure why people said the steak was no good in CR because this was a good steak!

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28

Another hot one in CR!
Busy day today getting guests sorted out with banking issues at the bank, booking tours and fishing trips...
See Donna sitting under the Tico Christmas tree does she think she's a present?
Speaking of presents, here I thought one of my trees was dying as the leaves went purple and started rolling up, look what was underneath!!

November 27

Had my blog for the day all written last night and the power went down and so followed the internet!
So let's try this again!
Nice Sunday in CR, one couple checked out, the other couple went into so Donna and I put on our bathing suits and hopped in the pool for an hour, so refreshing!
So the word for gossip train here in Carrillo is "Chisme" and the current Chisme it seems is that there's a rich white single woman running things at Hotel Esperanza!
So in comes the train of young men looking for work trying to hold my hand while they tell me about their experience in the work force!!! LMAO
I had Ana, Xinia and Donna in stitches trying to tell them what a cougar was...BTW translation in Spanish is Puma!
So Puma it is!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26

Found a nice little fruit and veg market that's open on Saturday mornings within walking distance of the hotel. Donna and I took a walk up and bought a few things.
Lots of foot traffic through town tonight a there was a rodeo up the road, didn't have a chance to go check it out as I had customer in the restaurant!
Bar up the road has Kareoke on Friday and Saturday nights which I can hear the so called singing from my apartment. Hopefully it's quieter tonight as Donna and I could not stop laughing at the bad singers last night. Reminds me of my days living in Gatineau only in Spanish!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25

Well productive day today! Finally made it in the Cell phone store (always a line up out the door there, come to find out it has been running a job fair all week!!!)\So finally got a basic cell phone hooked up basically for emergencies when I am out and about.
Sorry all my BBM friends no Blackbeery!!!
Have a couple from NJ check in last night, repeat guests, here for 8 nights, booked a massage for them this evening and fishing tomorrow.
Good afternoon, very busy, Donna and I met a couple of Canadian gentlemen in line at the Maxi Bodega on Tuesday and they stopped by with a couple of friends for a few cocktails this afternoon. Lovely surprise!
The one guy in from Quebec City, the other from Vancouver, The French guy brought his wife Ginette she was awesome! They will certainly be back for dinner.
Selling the Sangria, people are loving it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24

OK, let's talk about some of the bugs here in CR...
Now I expected to see some freaky things which so far have not been bad, I must say but a few weeks ago Dennis called me over and showed me a grasshopper that freaked me out so much I could not get a picture of it.
So yesterday morning a bit smaller one appeared on the column outside the main entrance and I got a few pics of it to share with you all!
These things are about 6" long and have the wing span of a bird!!!!! I think the sound of it flying is the worst part!

November 23

Today my first honeymooners Daniel and Laura checked out heading back to the U.K. Really cool couple, had a few good laughs with them! Hope they have a safe journey home.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22

Wow hot humid day today!
We had two gentlemen that were staying with us Martin and Sam check out today, they were really nice and had a few good laughs with them!
They also went on the Turtle tour last night, I wish I could get out there as it sounds really cool!
The turtles comes in and dig a hole and lay about 100-200 eggs, bury them and head back to sea.
Went to Nicoya today to run errands, getting use to driving in CR.

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21

Another good hot day in paradise!
David and Rosemary from the U.K. checked out today and continued their journeys visiting Costa Rica. Lovely couple with a B&B in England called Hartwood House.
If I am ever in the U.K. I will be sure to look them up!

Quiet evening, guests are out on a tour seeing turtles hatch on the beach, it's supposed to be quite something to see.
My Aunt Donna and I spoke with my cousin Barb in Saskatoon this afternoon on Skype, the boys were outside building tunnels in the snow banks! -33 C in the Prairies! Wish I was there! NOT!!!
Donna trying to figure out how to extend her stay in CR!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20th

Well Dennis left this morning for Florida, back to his Mickey Mouse job. The training wheels are off!!!
I'm sure it will be entertaining!! I will keep you all posted!
Day went well, one of our couples joined us for dinner again! Guess Tapas works for them!

November 19th

Saturday in CR! Busy day, started with cleaning the pool, picking out leaves as it was windy last night...Picture is of me hard at work!
Last night was hopping at Hotel Esperanza! We have 3 rooms of two people this weekend and they all came to the restaurant for Tapas!! Felt a little unorganized but got it done and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the food!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18th

Well, Steve and Cindy left after breakfast, really enjoyed them a lot!
New guest Daniel and Laura just arrived from the UK, they are on their honeymoon, rainy evening we are heading next door to Hula Jungla for pizza.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17th

Well my first and favorite guests Steve and Cindy are checking out tomorrow after breakfast, they have been a blast to get to know! Hopefully they are all like them!
I will miss the banter with Steve
Lovely evening out nothing but bright stars in the sky...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16th

I know I know I missed a day!!!
Sorry been busy...
So went into Nicoya (me driving!!) with Xinia our cook and my friend Natalie as an interpreter to pick up supplies for this evening's dinner.
Had fun with the girls shopping then headed back to the hotel got in around 2pm then Xinia and I spent the afternoon prepping food for this evening when we ha a going away party for Dennis and introduced several of my Tapas ideas.
It was a big success but it seems we made too many choices for people!!
See menu attached below, page 3 will be served for lunch tomorrow and these wimps got too full!! LOL
Just finished a beer and I am off to catch some zzz's now!

Dennis Clifton's going back to the USA party!
Dennis Clifton que se remontan a la fiesta de la Florida!

Tapas Menu
Menú de tapas

Sangria, Coke, Ice Tea or water, NO Coke light
Sangria, Coca-Cola, té helado o agua, NI Coca Light

Black Bean dip-
served with fried plantain chips
Frijol Negro dip-
se sirve chips de plátano frito

Tuna Carpaccio-
Thinly sliced Yellow Fin Tuna served with finely diced green onion and cucumber with a light drizzle of soya sauce and olive oil, with toasted garlic baguette
Carpaccio de Atún-
Atún de aleta amarilla cortada en rodajas finas servido con cebolla finamente picada verdey pepino con una ligera llovizna de la salsa de soja y aceite de oliva, con ajo tostado baguette
Mixed vegatables in Beer Batter-
Zucchini, onion, brocolli and squash battered and deep fried served with a wasabe mayo
Mezcla de verduras en la cerveza bateador-
Calabacín, cebolla, brócoli y calabaza maltratadas y frito servido con una mayonesa wasabe

Pork Brochettes-
Grilled with garlic, lemon juice and parsley
Brochetas de carne de cerdo-
La plancha con ajo, jugo de limón y perejil

French Fries-
served with a garlic mayonaise
Papas fritas-
servido con una mayonesa de ajo

Rocky Top Meatballs-
with bacon, BBQ sauce & cheese
Rocky Top albóndigas-
con tocino, salsa BBQ y queso

white wine steamed clams in a tomato and garlic sauce
Las almejas-
almejas al vapor de vino blanco en salsa de tomate y ajo

Mia Kai Chicken Kabobs-
Baked chicken with minced pineapple with a curry/ginger coconut creme sauce
Mia Kai Brochetas de Pechuga-
Pollo al horno con piña picada con una salsa de curry / jengibre crema de coco

Shrimp and Mahi Mahi served with soda crackers and rose sauce
Camarones y Mahi Mahi se sirve con galletas de soda y salsa rosa

Chorizo Sasauge-
poached in red wine
Chorizo ​​Sasauge-
escalfado en vino tinto

Sweet Potato Fries-
smothered in butter, cinnamon and brown sugar
Camote Papas-
cubre en mantequilla, canela y azúcar moreno

Lobster a la Xinia
Langosta la Xinia

Fresh Fruit Chocolate Fondue
Fruta fresca Fondue de Chocolate

Dennis Clifton's going back to the USA party!
Dennis Clifton que se remontan a la fiesta de la Florida!

Tapas Menu
Menú de tapas

Sangria, Coke, Ice Tea or water, NO Coke light
Sangria, Coca-Cola, té helado o agua, NI Coca Light

Black Bean dip-
served with fried plantain chips
Frijol Negro dip-
se sirve chips de plátano frito

Tuna Carpaccio-
Thinly sliced Yellow Fin Tuna served with finely diced green onion and cucumber with a light drizzle of soya sauce and olive oil, with toasted garlic baguette
Carpaccio de Atún-
Atún de aleta amarilla cortada en rodajas finas servido con cebolla finamente picada verdey pepino con una ligera llovizna de la salsa de soja y aceite de oliva, con ajo tostado baguette
Mixed vegatables in Beer Batter-
Zucchini, onion, brocolli and squash battered and deep fried served with a wasabe mayo
Mezcla de verduras en la cerveza bateador-
Calabacín, cebolla, brócoli y calabaza maltratadas y frito servido con una mayonesa wasabe

Pork Brochettes-
Grilled with garlic, lemon juice and parsley
Brochetas de carne de cerdo-
La plancha con ajo, jugo de limón y perejil

French Fries-
served with a garlic mayonaise
Papas fritas-
servido con una mayonesa de ajo

Rocky Top Meatballs-
with bacon, BBQ sauce & cheese
Rocky Top albóndigas-
con tocino, salsa BBQ y queso

white wine steamed clams in a tomato and garlic sauce
Las almejas-
almejas al vapor de vino blanco en salsa de tomate y ajo

Mia Kai Chicken Kabobs-
Baked chicken with minced pineapple with a curry/ginger coconut creme sauce
Mia Kai Brochetas de Pechuga-
Pollo al horno con piña picada con una salsa de curry / jengibre crema de coco

Shrimp and Mahi Mahi served with soda crackers and rose sauce
Camarones y Mahi Mahi se sirve con galletas de soda y salsa rosa

Chorizo Sasauge-
poached in red wine
Chorizo ​​Sasauge-
escalfado en vino tinto

Sweet Potato Fries-
smothered in butter, cinnamon and brown sugar
Camote Papas-
cubre en mantequilla, canela y azúcar moreno

Lobster a la Xinia
Langosta la Xinia

Fresh Fruit Chocolate Fondue
Fruta fresca Fondue de Chocolate

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th

Off to Liberia to pick up my aunt Donna today, first visitor from home!! Can't wait to see her.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13th

Well starting to venture out in CR on my own!
Dennis the owner leaves for USA on November 20th, that's when the training wheels come off!!
I drove to Samara to run a couple of errands, our guests Steve and Cynthia came for my virgin run, first time driving in CR! What troopers!!
No issues, the van is good to drive.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12th

I forgot to write yesterday about my early morning adventure...
The wind really picked up around 4 am and I heard a loud bang and knew right away I had forgot to close the umbrellas by the I bolted out of bed and ran out in my nightie to grab the umbrella before it rolled into the pool, of course I approached with momentum and when I bent over to grab the umbrella I almost landed in the pool! Then as I was bent over a large gust of wind blew and flipped my nightie up over my head!! Of course I was commando at the time...luckily no one else was up to see the full moon!!

Saturday in CR, manana!
Spent the afternoon working on my Tapas menu as I am spending next Wednesday with Xinia our cook to put together a fantastic Tapas menu. We will have some variations on traditional Tico food, some Spanish food and some American food.
We will be cooking up everything on Wednesday evening and have invited over a few people as well as our two guests Steve and Cynthia to be Guinea Pigs!

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11th

Remembrance Day, I actually thought to have a moment of silence at 11 am. Although I am not in Canada I do appreciate all those who serve and have served for my country.

November 10th

Sorry didn't get this up yesterday...Internet was down a good part of the afternoon and evening!
I went on one of the tours yesterday to check them out so when people ask me about them I can actually tell them I have done it!
This was the Mangrove Kayaking tour up the river where we saw tons of birds, iguanas and cool trees...
We paddled up this lazy river to the ocean where we took a break on the black sand beach where the waves were something else! This location was definitely for the professional surfer!
The guide Rene was very knowledgeable and spoke good English.
It was a nice afternoon!
Our guests seem to be enjoying themselves, they are pretty low key which is lovely!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9th

Good day today, got everything ready and our guests Steve and Cynthia arrived an hour ago from LA.
They were impressed with the room, Ana did a nice job with flower petals and swans made from the towels as it is their 25th wedding anniversary!
We hope to show them a good time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8th

Good day today running errands getting supplies for our first guests arriving tomorrow.
Went to fruit and veg store by myself and made out fine, picking up Spanish slowly!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7th

Glamourous day today...
Having the septic pumped!
Just thought I would post this to remove some of the envy you are all having.
You know you aren't envious today!!

Well...just experienced my first "tremor", not a big deal but certainly got my attention!!!
Met a great British girl Natalie here trying to make a go of life in CR, had her over for dinner last few nights and she helped with getting hotel ready for the season, love barter!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6th

Sunday in CR!
Did a bit of work today and then took a lovely siesta this afternoon.
Another full week ahead!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5th

Another fun filled day in paradise!
Had a little Bday party for Ana the housekeeper.
So many things to get done to open for the season!
Keeping very busy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4th

Man is it HOT today!
I am painting the fence by the pool, listening to some Bob Marley...
Managed to get a couple of shots of Dora our resident. She is very camera shy but I will work on a close up!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3rd

Another lovely morning in paradise!
This is what I have to walk out of my room to in the morning!
Off to get some work done!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2nd

Well a full day touring around running errands mostly in Nicoya.
Lots of crazy drivers as usual!
Always someone who feels the need to pass in a curve!
And dodging pot holes the size of the Olympic Stadium!!
Not the kind of Big "O" I was looking for LMAO
Reservations really picking up this week for the season, I am going to be BUSY!! Woo Who!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st

I woke up this morning in Costa Rica!
Pouring rain but 24 C.
This is crazy! Can't believe I have really done this!
I have thought about this for at least 15 yrs!
Well off to hop a shower and get some things done today.

Well first full day completed!
Rain let up for most of the day it was sunny and HOT!!
Getting quite a few reservation, busy time starts in a few weeks!
Lots to do in that time!
Still on TO time ready for a nap now!