Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25

Well productive day today! Finally made it in the Cell phone store (always a line up out the door there, come to find out it has been running a job fair all week!!!)\So finally got a basic cell phone hooked up basically for emergencies when I am out and about.
Sorry all my BBM friends no Blackbeery!!!
Have a couple from NJ check in last night, repeat guests, here for 8 nights, booked a massage for them this evening and fishing tomorrow.
Good afternoon, very busy, Donna and I met a couple of Canadian gentlemen in line at the Maxi Bodega on Tuesday and they stopped by with a couple of friends for a few cocktails this afternoon. Lovely surprise!
The one guy in from Quebec City, the other from Vancouver, The French guy brought his wife Ginette she was awesome! They will certainly be back for dinner.
Selling the Sangria, people are loving it!

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