Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12th

I forgot to write yesterday about my early morning adventure...
The wind really picked up around 4 am and I heard a loud bang and knew right away I had forgot to close the umbrellas by the I bolted out of bed and ran out in my nightie to grab the umbrella before it rolled into the pool, of course I approached with momentum and when I bent over to grab the umbrella I almost landed in the pool! Then as I was bent over a large gust of wind blew and flipped my nightie up over my head!! Of course I was commando at the time...luckily no one else was up to see the full moon!!

Saturday in CR, manana!
Spent the afternoon working on my Tapas menu as I am spending next Wednesday with Xinia our cook to put together a fantastic Tapas menu. We will have some variations on traditional Tico food, some Spanish food and some American food.
We will be cooking up everything on Wednesday evening and have invited over a few people as well as our two guests Steve and Cynthia to be Guinea Pigs!

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to Joannie, you must have had a good laugh at 4am all by yourself by the pool. Guess Donna is doing last minute things as they didn't answer when I called around noon. She must be getting anxious. Talk to you later xxxooo Mom
