Monday, November 28, 2011

November 27

Had my blog for the day all written last night and the power went down and so followed the internet!
So let's try this again!
Nice Sunday in CR, one couple checked out, the other couple went into so Donna and I put on our bathing suits and hopped in the pool for an hour, so refreshing!
So the word for gossip train here in Carrillo is "Chisme" and the current Chisme it seems is that there's a rich white single woman running things at Hotel Esperanza!
So in comes the train of young men looking for work trying to hold my hand while they tell me about their experience in the work force!!! LMAO
I had Ana, Xinia and Donna in stitches trying to tell them what a cougar was...BTW translation in Spanish is Puma!
So Puma it is!!!

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